$1000 Haircut? Kerry Flies In Hairdresser For Touch-up Before 'meet The Press'

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Also, saying "Dim-o-Rat" (It's like saying RepubliKKKan or something equally dumb) makes you sound immature and stupid.

Not half as much as somebody that assumes everything posted on the internet is directed at them personally. :D

Dim-o-Rat :D Made that one up myself, I laugh every time I post it since I know full well that it bugs the hell out of the strident, shrill, humorless trolls from the DU Forum every time. :D

Are there any other terms that bother you that you'd like to censure? :D
What exactly defines "anti-American" ? I argue that political dissent is a critical part of the way our country operates.

Would you consider a sign reading Victory to the Iraqi Insurgants to be "anti-American"?

This is a sign hanging in the window of a community club in Seattle that is the home to the Freedom Socialist Party.

Not ALL political dissent is "patriotic". Some of it is down right anti-American and bordering on treason.
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