11-year-old Fresno girl who threw rock to be tried for felony

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Gordon fink & Dolan P sez...

Seriously, though, spankings all around seem like the most appropriate response to me.

Hell yea. My parents spanked me, and I never did anything worse than bust out a car window when I was 10 or so, (and that wasn't done intentionally, that was sheer stupidity + golf balls + golf clubs + front of friend's house... we were TRYING to reach the cotton field down the road....um...my ball didn't reach the intended target.. )

GASP! Why that's felony aggravated child abuse!!

Clearly, anti-spanking laws work!!!! I mean, it's made all our kids much kinder and gentler and less likely to commit crimes out of hand...oh wait...

Wait a second. Six or so boys were throwing rocks at her first in addition to other projectiles? Her sin was mailing a "return to sender"? She'd have been completely justified in shooting them, let alone throwing a single rock back.

A buddy of mine in Fresno told me that the infamous boulder that the Chief was showing off? Wasn't the rock in question, according to BOTH parties involved. (The girl and boy) Not sure how reliable that info is, but it seems about right for these folks.

Geesh, every time more information comes out, the Fresno PD keeps looking worse and worse. I dunno. Couple of little punks intentionally going to someone's house to pelt them with rocks? Me thinks they weren't just "having some fun".
The lesson she has learned is...

The lesson she has learned is that is it WRONG to protect herself and/or trust that the police are her friend. Honestly, I think she was rather reserved in only hitting one boy. I think she was justifed in hitting every boy that hit her, and using whatever level of force she felt was necessary to stop the threat.

If I had been her father and the police officers wanted to do the stupid act of cuffing her for self-defense, I would make sure the officers lost their job and would be unable to work anywhere in the state. I would also sue the city for being a pack of idiots.

However, as I am in a rural area rather than that city, my daughter would know how to use proper force to terminate a threat and would also know how to use a firearm to defend herself. Those boys would also be held for pickup by their parents by me.

The feeling I get is that city must enjoy making the victim feel even more victimized if they fight back. I would rather see that girl have broken the noses of her attackers and perhaps given them a good concussion as a good lesson in not being little criminals.

When I was still in elementary school I had older kids that continued to pick on me even when I tried to walk away at the bus stop. After a couple mornings of this I finally had enough. The next boy that thought he had the spherical fortitute to pick on me, I clocked him as hard as I could on the side of the head and made his ear bleed. I never saw that boy at the bus stop again and for a couple months all the other kids at the bus stop left me alone.

There is a lesson in using overwhelming force, and drawing blood, in self-defense. Once you make an example of a bully they cease to be a threat and educates other bullies that you will make them pay dearly for their stupidity.
There is a lesson in using overwhelming force, and drawing blood, in self-defense. Once you make an example of a bully they cease to be a threat and educates other bullies that you will make them pay dearly for their stupidity.
Exactly. Every time my family moved, I had to deal with bullies who felt that since I was the "Fat Kid", I was easy prey. Kids can be SOOOO stupid sometimes.
The feeling I get is that city must enjoy making the victim feel even more victimized if they fight back
Of course. Helpless victims empower those who "know better" and will "take care of you". Those who can look after themselves have no need for such parasites, and hence are a threat to their authority and postion.

But I really should no slight true parasites in such a fashion...
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