223 for bear

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If it were all I had I'd make do, but not if other options were available. I've read that both AR's and Ruger Mini-14's are not uncommon among native Alaskans who have used them for this in the past.
BEAR THREAD! Woooohoooo!
Well it would never be my choice i'm positive it is done. Defense is different than hunting, I could see some longer range shots taking their toll on a big bear but if it's face chewing time in 3 seconds I think it's a very poor choice. But I'm sure it's all been done. @caribou has input I would bet.
I would consider it if I owned an M16A1 with a high cyclic rate. It would be important to me that I put 30 holes in it ASAP. This is for brown bear. For black bear I think an A2 with three round burst might be OK. I wouldn’t want to chance it with a regular semi-auto.

If I were carrying an AR for bear defense I would prefer something heavier like 350 Legend or 450/458.
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