2nd Amendment Issues In Illinois Senate Race! It's Heating Up!

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Another epiphany

Federal tax breaks and the resulting boost in take-home pay absolutely KILLS Rainbow Coalition/PUSH and NAACP; they'd have no reason to exist other than as overt socialist organizations since things will have been "equalized."

Acceptance means that the hot-potato of reparations is addressed far more cheaply, amortized over ~40 years instead of as a one-time big payday.

BTW, nobody complains much about Native Americans not paying their fair share of taxes from their "sovereign nations." :neener:

My point is about what the word "regulated" means, not the grammer of the

Correct. And I am quite aware of what 'well regulated' implied in the 18th century. I think we probably are in total agreement but we may be talking past one another, so let me try again.

MY point was simply that in the context of the article, again assuming that Keyes was not mis-quoted, the implication was that certain levels of training should be REQUIRED before citizens would be ALLOWED to own certain types of guns. My quoting of the 2nd in response was to illustrate that nowhere in the Constitution or BOR is there the slightest hint that any kind of training was a RESTRICTRION upon the RKBA. The explanatory nature of the first clause means the following to ME:

"Because we want a well trained, well equipped, and effective militia in the U.S. we want to make sure that the citizenry has modern weapons of war, and the ability to use them, so that when the militia is needed, we can call upon this well armed, practiced pool of citizens to function as the militia."

Then the next, operative part of the 2nd was put in in a (nowadays seemingly vain) attempt to make sure that the federal government could never screw this up.

BTW, if leftists that are so enamored of the first clause as having such meaning were not hypocrites and liars, they would support programs to help people purchase military weapons, get training in their use, and to participate in appropriate militia-type exercises as a means to support the first part of this, instead of trying to use it to dismiss the operative words in this amendment!
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