Illinois members

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Jan 10, 2004
From .

I encourage ALL rational thinkers to vote for Alan Keyes. Barrick Osama is NOT representative of me or anyone I know, particularly gun owners.


CHICAGO -- Right before the 2004 primary, Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama took out an ad in the Windy City Times, Chicago's gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender weekly publication.

Peter Labarbara of Illinois Family Institute acquired the ad, which is available in clear pdf format to download and distribute at: WCT Obama ad.
The ad indicated Obama's positions on important social issues, as quoted:

Opposes Constiutional [sic] amendment to ban gay marriage

Supports repeal of Defense of Marriage Ad

Chief co-sponsor of Human Rights Bill in Springfield

100% Pro-Choice voting record

The only candiate [sic] with a legislative record

Supports expansion of hates crimes legislation

Supports repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' military policy"
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Alan Keyes is a nut-ball who hurts conservative causes with his radicalism. Zealotry serves no one, let me repeat - no one. Just plain stupid.

Obama is your typical golden boy of the moment liberal, and the GOP in Illinois has got to be out of it's collective mind to field a clearly out of whack opportunist like Keyes against such popularism.

Just not right.

The GOP would have been better off just not fielding a candidate. I won't vote for either. Sad. I predict that Obama will win his Senate bid in the most embarrassing and complete landslide ever in a Senate race. I fear the Rebublican party in Illinois is dead.
The GOP in Illinois is in desperate need of an overhaul. As much as I like what Keyes says, no one is taking him seriously, not the media, and not the voters in any party. and the fact that the IL GOP had to IMPORT him implies that no one better could be found among the many residents of this state.
slow learners- tried to run yet another suburban RINO Ryan and thought that campaign signs with a BIG JACK- little ryan would fool everyone. idiots.
Why does the joke always have to be on us?
yea right here is another guy who talks out of both sides of his mouth instead of saying what he really thinks:rolleyes: The truth of the matter is the people of Illinois are so used to the corruption and abuse that they take in this state that they have fallen prey to Stockholm syndrome and wont vote for someone who would really change things.

Good idea, stay home and dont bother voting, seems to be a trend here you cant really fight the Daley machine and the Illinois dems. :rolleyes: so dont complain when nothing changes.
Saint, I don't know to whom your reply was directed and I find it confusing.
As for me, I will vote for Keyes, all the while wondering why the IL GOP brought him in over all other possible candidates. I always vote and I always vote for the candidate who is pro- (or least anti-) gun. I am a 2 or 3 issue voter but 2a is at the top of the list. I think the IL GOP is totally out of touch.
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