3 gun in NJ or eastern PA?

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Apr 8, 2004
New Jerseyd
I've googled and teoma'd, but can't find any 3 gun matches in NJ or eastern PA. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Check out Old Bridge Rifle and Pistol Club. Their Action group is called OBCATS, a rifle match is scheduled late July and a 3-gun Tactical match the last weekend in October. Also keep an eye on the Topton Fish and Game website. No 3-gun has been announced but we usually have one, there is an action rifle match scheduled 5/29. Also the York IWLA frequently runs 2 gun matches as part of their monthly USPSA match. Contact info for all of these clubs can be found at the USPSA site. Also, Ontaulaunee (IDPA) near Allentown is having a Practical Shotgun Match 5/19 or 20. You can find them on the IDPA website.
Some details about Old Bridge. The website for OBCATS is oddly enough obcats.com . Besides the annual 3Gun Tactical Match (by tactical they mean you will have to use 2 or even all 3 guns in one stage, none of that every stage only a gun stuff) there is an annual Action Shotgun match (you just missed it) and a Action rifle match (in July). Further, most of our USPSA outdoor matches include a sidematch stage of either rifle or shotgun, every month. I think we are doing rifle next Sunday :)

Thanks everyone. I'll see you at some of these.

I guess this means I'll have to buy another AR upper. Can't have enough excuses to do that.

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