3 gun magazine carriage

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Dec 2, 2009
My local IDPA match tomorrow has been bumped. There is a 3gun match at a different range. I've thought about shooting a match, but never had the time. I have an irons sighted AR, a passel of shotguns and my IDPA legal pistols.

what I don't have are a tone of magazine holders for everything (other than my psitol.) Can I just shove the stuff in my pockets?
For AR mags you usually get by with one in the gun and one in the back pocket. Generally most stages can be done with under 40 rounds depending on your ability. Its good to have different mags if you got them. I run a 40 rounder w/ +5 extension that gets me though most run and gun stages without a reload. For long range stages I run either double 30's or double 20's because I can get down prone better.

I love 3 gun it is kinda my thing. I haven't posted here in a while but I back and with a new company Advance Dynamic.

Ok looks like I got to remember how to embed vid links again. Will come back and edit when I do.
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Thanks. that I can do. What about shot shells? I have a bandolier I used for waterfowling, woudl that be too cumbersome?
To be honest since your new the shotgun reloading is going to be awkward and something you will need to work on. In 3 gun there are two major skills to practice and are the major factor of competency. That is shotgun reloading, and long range rifle shooting. Most guys when they come out use whatever they have including the shotshell bags common for sporting clays, trap and skeet. Your bandoleer will work. Use whatever you got there is no shame. We have seen every type of thing possible from new guys loading out of their pants pocket or cargo pocket to plastic shopping bags hanging off the waist. All anyone will ask is you be safe, particularly the 180 and where you point your guns. As an IDPA guy you probably have an handle on this and will be just fine. Just show up as normal for sign up and tell them you are new. They will probably have a resident "show the new guys the ropes" squad they will make sure your safe and have a good time. One great thing about competition shooting is everyone loves the new guys. That is until you start challenging the guys that put in their time. Then things get really fun.
Good. I figured it would be something like that. Looking forward to putting my rifle to use.
Sure let us know how it goes.

Some additional tips. Cut your finger nails on your thumb back and trim them up nice and even. that shotgun is damn chinese finger trap until you get it modified and/or work out your technique. You can always tell the 1st year 3 gunners because they got one mangled thumb nail.

Your most likely going to be driving your car bay to bay and not hiking it like you do pistol, there is just too much gear to carry. So load up a cooler with food and drinks and bring a folding chair. Three gun is a all morning and most of the afternoon thing, not shoot and scoot like pistol. Bring some extra ammo because you will probably get a chance to do some light practice after the match with the boys you squad with.

If you do anything before the match show up with a good rifle zero. It will save you some frustration and ammo.

Just like when you started pistol don't worry about your placement, just be safe and have fun. Don't get frustrated and be able to laugh at yourself a little if needed. They guys will really respect that. If there is something you can't hit don't go to war on that target. On long range rifle if you don't hit it in 5 shots move to the next target and dont come back. If it took you more than 5 shots to hit a target it was probably luck anyways. Save your ammo for practice afterward where you can actually do some good. Thats about it I think. Your gonna have a blast!
Everything yar said so... +26?

I have been shooting multi gun for about 7-8 months now.

I started off with a dump pouch for shotgun shells and the spar ar mag, goes into the front or back pocket (depending).

I wouldn't worry about your iron sights on the rifle. That's still what I use and I place respectably (beat a lot of optics guys, too) so it can be done and it is a total blast!

Zero the rifle, have fun!
Corpral_Agarn where you shoot out of Sac? I'm a Piru boy myself. Maybe we ran into each other at BARC?
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