3-screw Black Hawk … Trash or Treasure $499

I only have 1 remaining 3-screw Blackhawk. It's from the early 70's and is a 4 5/8" .357/9 Convertible. When I used to carry it while traipsing around the backwoods, I carried it with an empty charge hole under the hammer. For target shooting & plinking (which didn't involve carry) I fully loaded it. I decided not to have Ruger modify it to add the transfer bar. I rather like the old sound of thumb-cocking it and the nice trigger. I have a SBH from the first year of the transfer bar safety, and while the bluing is surprisingly beautiful, the trigger is typical Ruger New Model lackluster.

I wish I had inherited the other 3-screw Blackhawks my dad owned when I was young, .41MAG, .30Carbine & .45Colt. Sigh. I inherited a New Model 4 5/8" .45Colt/ACP Convertible from him, but the older 3-screw version was really nice.
the only option I have is what others tell me
Having an old Ruger is cool. BUT a transfer bar gives you the safe option to load 6 and carry with an extra margin of safety.
Just know that if you ever buy one of these cool old Rugers (and if you don’t buy that one you’re nuts) don’t send it in to Ruger. They will convert it to a transfer bar safety. They used to not send your original parts back to you once they took them out. I hear they now give your parts back, but do not take my word for it.
If it were mine, I would not sell it for that price.
someone brought it to the shop for consignment. the shop charges $50 or 15% what ever is greater. So… I hate to take advantage of someone lack of knowledge on price… but I’m just a buyer not the broker 😔