30-06 In Austin (Reload)

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I'm so screwed

I have no idea what I'm going to do when Cabela's opens in Buda. It's too far to just swing by, and the wife will get suspicious if I'm gone for 4 hours and I was just supposed to take the movie back to Blockbuster.

I'm going to have to drive by that place every day to get home. I go to the HEB next door to grocery shop on Sunday afternoon. It's gonna get interesting...

McBrides and Oliver

Art and Seeker two, Oliver left McBride's a few months back and went to work fo Lowe" hardware on Shoal Creek. As Art speaks knowingly of the McBrides they are still very much in business at the same location and with the same helpful and knowledgeable business attitude. You won't be sorrow you to get aquainted with their operation. It is a must go to place in Austin.
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