41% of Britons think Holocaust could happen in UK

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Aug 5, 2006
Myrtle Beach
If this has already been posted, my sincere apologies.


Mon Jan 22, 7:57 AM ET

LONDON (AFP) - Forty-one percent of Britons believe that an event like the Holocaust could happen in the country today, given the depth of intolerance and prejudice, according to a new survey.

Furthermore, 36 percent thought that most people would do nothing about it if it did happen, in a poll released ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day on Saturday.

The YouGov poll of 2,400 Britons found that 50 percent did not know that as well as Jews, homosexuals, disabled people and the Roma community were also targeted by Nazi Germany.

A further 79 percent were unaware that black people were persecuted and killed under the Nazi regime in Germany, which ruled from 1933 to 1945.

The "alarming" results beg the question "have we really learnt anything from the genocides of our recent past?", said Stephen Smith, the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust chairman.

"With increasing levels of hate-crime, prejudice and ignorance towards those that are in some way different to ourselves, we really need to be vigilant in tackling prejudice and intolerance," he said.

"As genocides in Europe, Rwanda and Bosnia have shown, it doesn't take much to turn these negative conditions into something far more calamitous.

"We need to be constantly on our guard against this, which is why we are asking the public to show their support by lighting a candle to commemorate those killed in past genocides."

Holocaust Memorial Day, a day of remembrance across the world, marks the liberation of the Nazis' Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland.

It will be marked in Britain at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle, northeast England. The national commemoration was to remember victims of the Holocaust and genocides since such as Rwanda, Bosnia and the ongoing situation in the Darfur region of Sudan.

Auschwitz survivor Alex Ward said of the survey: "These statistics emphasise it is not just about remembering -- it is also about learning the lessons to ensure the horrific experiences my friends, family and I endured are not repeated."

Personally, my favorite part is

"We need to be constantly on our guard against this, which is why we are asking the public to show their support by lighting a candle to commemorate those killed in past genocides."


"These statistics emphasise it is not just about remembering -- it is also about learning the lessons to ensure the horrific experiences my friends, family and I endured are not repeated."

Don't bother to let common folk have firearms or anything else for that matter to defend themselves. Just light a candle to remember the ones who died, and pray that it (baaa-aaa-aaaa) doesn't happen to (baaa-aaa-aaaa) you. :uhoh:
Of course, it could go the other way. Institution of sharia law and a holocaust of those who refuse to convert or offer dhimmi tribute.

That'd be more likely in the UK at this point, I think. They're "tolerating" some really nasty, violent imams, and there's a whole lot of violent extremists...and their numbers are growing. I know some people there who have run into the sort of furious, wild-eyed sort you typically see in the AK's-firing-in-the-air protests in the middle east. :uhoh:

Remember this, in London?

I thought those people from the American South were the only racists. :rolleyes: To bad that protest didn't happen in Pittsburgh. There would have been a lot of failed beheadings and Islamists in the ER.
I agree it could happen again...though this time, it may be in allah's name.

But really...why would they need to go through the mess of a holocaust? Just exploit the West's "tolerant" nature and eliminate it from the inside.
The older I get......

the more unreasonable I feel about people who want to take away my best way to defend myself and my family. And frankly, any kind of religious extremists just scare the heck out of me, particularly the ones shown at the rallys (or mob actions) in the U.K.
We just cannot allow ourselves to be disarmed. If you haven't done so, PLEASE join the NRA or another group which supports our 2nd ammendment rights.

To paraphrase Hillel:

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
The Saracens are coming! The Saracens are coming!

Seriously, even though there is a lot of Muslims in the UK including some pretty primitive curved-knife hillbillies it's not going to be them that does the killing. Consider the numbers. Consider the color of Parliament. Consider whose living standards are falling and who is angry and resentful about it. White. White. White. And White.

It's much more likely that something like a resurgent National Front with backing from the Corporatocracy will tip the UK over into a violent spasm against anyone dark. And the Brits seem to understand this. Somehow the people closer to the action have a better understanding of the real threat than a bunch of guys who live thousands of miles away. Funny that.
tellner, hmmm, I can think of several examples from history which provide at least the possibility of the contrary, but as it now stands I think you are right.

I think that what most in Europe fear is the creation of a permanently angry minority from which knuckleheads a la Al-Qaeda may spring.:uhoh:

hank, yes, funny how they believe that "awareness" will prevent genocide. If that were true the attempted Nazi genocide would not have transpired as I know of no other people so keenly aware of past genocide than the Jews.:uhoh:
tellner said:
Somehow the people closer to the action have a better understanding of the real threat than a bunch of guys who live thousands of miles away. Funny that.
You know... a person who is consistently incapable of sharing their opinion without attacking, dismissing, demeaning or denigrating the opinions of others is displaying some pretty significant symptoms of insecurity.

Share your thoughts. Explain the reasoning behind them. If your points are valid, then that's all that's needed. It's basic Psych 101 that people attack when they feel threatened. Feeling threatened by differing opinions indicates that you need agreement from others to reinforce your self-worth.
White Supremacist parties have never achieved anything other than derisory levels of electoral support here. They've never come close to winning a single Parliamentary seat, even in the Thirties when Mosley's movement was bigger than any of them now (and not very big at that). It suits the revolutionary Left to ramp up the danger, but that's all.
I think that what most in Europe fear is the creation of a permanently angry minority from which knuckleheads a la Al-Qaeda may spring.

They've already got that in GB, and several fire-damaged Underground tunnels and a blown-apart doubledecker bus to prove it. More will happen.

Paris has the car-burning mobs. More will happen there, too.

Damn right.

That's the first reason I have a gun.

My father's family narrowly escaped the Nazi Holocaust.

41% of Britons are smart. 59% are blissninnies.

Germany was one of the most civilized, advanced nations to ever exist, as of the early 20th Century. Austria, from whence Hitler originally came, was the cultural Mecca of the Western world. Some of the world's greatest music, both Freud and Jung, even the coffee house, came from Vienna. It took very little time for Vienna, a place where modern coffee house liberals would have felt very comfortable, to turn into another Hell.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

And it IS important to remember that Nazism wasn't just about killing Jews. There's more to learn about evil than that, and we owe it to all who died in the Holocaust and in WW II, to learn what we can and never repeat it.
Seriously, even though there is a lot of Muslims in the UK including some pretty primitive curved-knife hillbillies it's not going to be them that does the killing. Consider the numbers. Consider the color of Parliament. Consider whose living standards are falling and who is angry and resentful about it. White. White. White. And White.
Some radical muslims have already done some killing in GB.
I've done it. All you need is the motivation to play their system or the willingness to risk prison and ignore it (I have the former, not the latter :( ).
It could happen in the US too. All the hate thats lurking around here is just a time bomb waiting to go off. Americans are too easily fooled by their "rights." The government gets away with so much, and with the influx of fanatic Islam the situation is quickly becoming dangerous for Jews and Americans alike worldwide.
All of my grandparents are/were holocaust survivors and that is the main reason I own firearms. I have what they didn't and I won't be gassed and burned like their families were.
Here is an interesting video that was emailed to me recently. (Warning: This video is propoganda and in order to gain from it one must "read between the lines.")
(its crazy that they link paintball to terror)
That Patriot Files site is perhaps the greatest example of "it was better in the good ol' days' thinking than I have ever seen.

For people who are calling for people to wake up, they couldn't be more behind themselves.

The greatest enemy we face is ourselves.
The Brits have a great irrational fear of becoming the Nazis. That fear is so great, they will be all killed, or converted by the very Muslims they are afraid will be exterminated.

The fear is so crazy, they won't even stop the stupid immigration, and naturalization laws that exist there.

Oh well, they made their bed, their gonna have to sleep in it.
White Supremacist parties have never achieved anything other than derisory levels of electoral support here. They've never come close to winning a single Parliamentary seat, even in the Thirties when Mosley's movement was bigger than any of them now (and not very big at that). It suits the revolutionary Left to ramp up the danger, but that's all.
White will have nothing to do with it in the long run. Most "white" nations have massive immigration because they are the fairest most tolerant nations on earth with the best quality of living and a culture that allows people to rise to the top or remain on the bottom based on how they apply themselves. Eventualy "white" will not exist because others move to the nations and locations that are the source of "white" people and displace them, but how many "white" immigrants do you see moving to and displacing and out reproducing other nations people?
White will not be the issue, culture and the values and culture and freedoms people live under will be. White will vanish, that is already decided, already happening, already predicted and can be shown based on ongoing trends of decades brought to its conclusion.
The question is whether you want the lifestyle decided and created by things like our constitution based on the founding fathers, or English common law, or whether you want absolute leftist government control, Islamic fascists, or any number of other third world cultures brought by the immigrants displacing our nations.
We will all eventualy look middle eastern which is the result of mixing every ethnicity. Great variation in features, slight tint variations, but all pretty much middle eastern tone. Mexico for example is natives, african, and spaniards and some asian. Spaniards are white, African, and middleeastern in descent based on history and conquests. Notice Mexicans and middleastern people look similar, that is because they are both a mix of everything. That is what we all will eventualy be, it is the inevitable course.
So all this racial this, racial that is pointless, people move to the best locations on earth, those locations are where we live. So ours will be the first to change. So stop focusing on race and focus on culture.
I like the culture we have, I want us to retain our culture for it has produced great results. That means we must resist change that immigrants and progressives want to bring. If they didn't think our culture was great they would not have moved to it and the opportunities it provides. Them moving here and then protesting is hypocrisy at its finest. If we had thier culture they would not have wanted to come here to begin with.
Of course, it could go the other way. Institution of sharia law and a holocaust of those who refuse to convert or offer dhimmi tribute.

That'd be more likely in the UK at this point, I think. They're "tolerating" some really nasty, violent imams, and there's a whole lot of violent extremists...and their numbers are growing. I know some people there who have run into the sort of furious, wild-eyed sort you typically see in the AK's-firing-in-the-air protests in the middle east.

Do you really think so? I'm with tellner. It's not possible for a minority to institute a holocaust against a majority, as they are by definition the weaker of the two.
It's not possible for a minority to institute a holocaust against a majority, as they are by definition the weaker of the two.


Rwanda - do some looking as to who had the numbers and who was doing the machete-ing.

Cambodia - the Khmer Rouge didn't outnumber the rest of the non-Khmer Party population

Germany - Hitler's brownshirts were laughed at as just another fringe group until one day Germany woke up and they were running the place

Genocide doesn't take numbers or absolute strength, it takes will on one side aided by deliberate weakness and/or apathy on the other.
Rwanda - do some looking as to who had the numbers and who was doing the machete-ing.

Cambodia - the Khmer Rouge didn't outnumber the rest of the non-Khmer Party population

Germany - Hitler's brownshirts were laughed at as just another fringe group until one day Germany woke up and they were running the place

According to Wikipedia, the Hutu's in Rwanda were the majority, making up 82-85% of the population. The Hutu extremist groups instigating the genocide were technically a smaller percentage of a political party, but through apathy and not acting on the behalf of the minorities the majority non extremeists allowed the Tutsi to be slaughtered.

Same thing in Germany. A small political group used nationalist propaganda to gain support of the majority, and then the majority white German population allowed the extremeists to prosecute the cultural and racial minorities through their apathy.

In Cambodia, I saw the same results, although it doesn't look like it was classified as a genocide. It looks like the Khmer Rouge did have large public support and represented the majority.

the Khmer Rouge were able to present themselves as a peace-oriented party in a coalition that represented the majority of the people. With large popular support in the countryside and material support from China and Vietnam, they were able to take the capital Phnom Penh on 17 April 1975.

It seems like all these reinforce the point. All of these are examples where those with power abused those without, so I'll stick by the assertion that a holocaust is always done by those who have the power, and if not the support from the majority, at least indifference. A group of anti-minority extremists rise to power and set about persecuting the minority, leaving the majority alone. The majority, through their apathy, allowed extremists to do this because it was not them on the butchering block. The majority with strength was never persecuted at the hands of a weaker minority.

The way I see a holocaust happening is as it has happened all throughout the past. A small group of extremists taking a cue from the Nazi's, in a time when the nation is downtrodden, starts appealing to the majority by speaking about national glory and how wonderful this nation was in the past. Like the Nazi's, they'll speak about how her former glory and people have been beaten down and her once great ideals lost by the influx and infestation of certain minorities. And like the Nazi's did with the Jews, they'll use the minority as a scapegoat, and peace as their cover, speaking about how minorities bring violence into the country, and finding ways to tie in minorities to responsibility for huge myriad of issues plaguing the nation. And if this wins the popular support, they'll be able to play the same sort of game.
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Could Genocide happen in Britain? Yes. Could it happen in the USA? Yes.

It's only by being aware of the possibility that we can prevent it.

Constant vigilance.
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