47 Senators request NPS firearms rule change!

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Dec 25, 2002
Northern Virginia, USA
If you haven't already seen the NRA-ILA alert about the Crapo letter to NPS urging them to implement the VCDL petition changes...

www.bighammer.net/timeline.html - go to the new entries...

So if your senator is one of the 47, great, send them a thank you note and ask them to be ready to do more. If your senators aren't on the list, and you're not in NJ, NY, MA, HI, CA, then you need to be pummelling your Senators email servers and phone lines asking them what they have against the United States Constitution.
I'm going to take a wild guess and bet that neither of my senators signed......Obama and Durbin......sigh........They'll get letters from me about this (not that they'll listen/do any good.)

AK (R) Lisa Murkowski
AK (R) Ted Stevens
AL (R) Jeff Sessions
AL (R) Richard Shelby
AR (D) Blanche Lincoln
AR (D) Mark Pryor
AZ (R) John Kyl
AZ (R) John McCain
CO (R) Wayne Allard
FL (R) Mel Martinez
GA (R) Saxby Chambliss
GA (R) Johnny Isakson
IA (R) Chuck Grassely
ID (R) Larry Craig
ID (R) Mike Crapo
KS (R) Sam Brownback
KS (R) Pat Roberts
KY (R) Jim Burning
LA (R) David Vitter
MN (R) Norm Coleman
MS (R) Thad Cochran
MS (R) Trent Lott
MT (D) Max Baucus
MT (D) Jon Tester
NC (R) Elizabeth Dole
ND (D) Byron Dorgan
NE (R) Chuck Hagel
NE (D) Ben Nelson
NH (R) John Sununu
NH (R) Judd Gregg
NM (R) Pete Domenici
NV (R) John Ensign
OK (R) Tom Coburn
OK (R) Jim Inhofe
OR (R) Gordon Smith
SC (R) Jim DeMint
SC (R) Lindsey Graham
SD (D) Tim Johnson
SD (R) John Thune
TN (R) Bob Corker
TX (R) John Cornyn
TX (R) Kay Bailey Hutchison
UT (R) Robert Bennett
UT (R) Orrin Hatch
VA (D) Jim Webb
WY (R) John Barrasso
WY (R) Mike Enzi
Both of my (AR) Democratic Senators signed too! I half expected to see Senator Pryor's signature. I was totally suprised to see Senator Lincoln's. I guess I should contact their offices and thank them. Lord knows I beat on them often enough for all the times they don't do something I like, or do something I don't like.
OR (R) Gordon Smith
Glad to see this.He has sent a response to me everytime I have emailed him about something (and it never read like a generic/canned response AT ALL), and has always expreseed his support about the 2A.Glad to see his money where his mouth is.Letter of thanks/praise to be sent....
My 2 Texas Senators signed, and I noticed several people say they were going to send letters of thanks to theirs.

I think that is a really good idea. I don't know how often these folks get thank you mail. I suspect most of it is complaints, a thank you might stand out.

Maybe not, can't hurt I guess.
Looks like 8 Democrat Senators signed, that would mean that some Republican Senators did not sign. Can someone post the Republicans who did not so we can also contact them?
Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tenn. (Rep.) did not sign. I called his office yesterday and his staff person told me Sen. Alexander would not sign the letter because he thinks the rule as it is now has been working pretty well. He wanted to wait and see if the Dept. of Interior saw any need to change the rule before he would go along with any change. I'm really disappointed in him over this.

Just sent an email to Senator Nancy Cassis and Congressman Thaddeus McCotter from Michigan. They both support our 2A rights. :D:D Will see if she signs on.

Where can we see the actual updated letter to see if more sign on?

US Senators vs state senators and house reps

Rabbit11: The signatories on the letter are US Senators, not state senators nor house representatives. Doesn't matter however because our two US Senators (Michigan)Karl Levin and Debbie Stabenow could care less about you and I.
Where can we see the actual updated letter to see if more sign on?

This is just a letter to the Department of the Interior. I doubt they will send a second letter to them saying, "hey, we got another Senator to support us." So I doubt they will post an "updated" letter with more signatures as the signatures won't before anything.
Richard Burr of North Carolina did not sign.

Harry Reid did not sign but he supposedly is pro-gun.


Thanks for the update Fisherman

It is to bad we have Karl Leave-in and Debbie Stab-Me-Now for our US Senators, they are about as anti as can be.:banghead::banghead::mad:
What is funny to me is that Congress is having to "request" something like this.

Who exactly does the director of NPS report to?
Sec of Interior maybe?

If so then why aren't these Senators asking Bush to ORDER his subordinate to make the change with an Exec Directive? Or has that been tried already?

Just curious. It doesn't sound like a letter from a few Senators will do much good if the guys boss isn't interested.
Thanks for that, Knucklehead2; hadn't seen that. I'll have to follow up with Sen. Specter.
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