50 caliber scare

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80s and 90s Military drawdowns and gun control? I had a suspicion they wanted just enough of a force left to surrender.
It looks to me like Our government must be selling arms to their government. The bad guys are probably getting them when the Mexican police tuck tail and run. When you see that many Barretts, that tells me that it isn't civilian ownership of Barrett's that is supporting the gangs in Mexico but rather our own, and their own, governments.

More reason why only civilians should be permitted to own guns. The government is just not responsible enough to be trusted with them.
Just how many snipers does Mexico need? Who are they planning on going to war against? Certainly not the drug cartels. If they were using that kind of force against the drug cartels they'd have defeated them. So who are they planning a war with? They don't have any kind of a threat to support that. They're just a bunch of super-mall-ninjas.
Maybe they spent all their money on rifles, ninja suits, and face paint and didn't have enough left over to train their snipers.
There must be an awful lot of black terrain in Mexico since they don't seem to have night vision on their rifles. Seems like those guys would stick out like a tic on an albino in a desert environment.
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