60 days to disarm

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Jan 3, 2003
Las Cruces, NM
I just read a thread about a country that has a 60 day amnesty period to surrender their guns. Simple question. What would you do? Run and hide em? Or fight? :mad:
Ive been wondering this for some ime and finally asked. I know most of you would probably like to fight for your 2nd amendment right. But how far would you take it? Is it worth YOU risking your life? Please let me know. Don't just read and wonder.
Let me put it this way:
If two guys, with one gun, firing only one shot at any given location at random targets can cause chaos around Washington DC, what could several hundred of us at random locations around the country do by carefully targeting those who would disarm us? :scrutiny:

Food for thought.
Molon Labe

Depends on the "situation". The reality is-once one draws a breath, one day he will cease to do so. Rather be for freedom, principles, and the like...than in a cell alive--without freedom...that ain't living. I'd hate to get dead on the streets, in my home because I couldn't defend myself. Another reality is bad things happen to good people, criminals don't give up guns and weapons -they don't now, why would they change.

So I become a 'criminal" by default...I can at least defend myself...maybe enroute to the polling place, or while I try to change things-too late for change...well life happens and I still get to level the playing field.

Since I'm by my lonesome...I don't care. Just don't knock down my door un-expectedly.
The scenario you describe in your "What if", happened once in this country. Remember? One if by land, two if by sea?

I'd expect the exact same results. History has a way of repeating itself.

And yes, many good men died as a result of that endeavor, and I'd surmise that again, many good men would die and maybe, just maybe, Liberty's Tree would begin to grow with their/our good red blood; a Renaisannce of the values we love, that some say they swear to uphold, yet turn against time and again.

What was Santayana's exact quote about "Those who do not remember history being condemned to relive it"?

Run & Hide Em? More like clean em, kiss the wife and kids, bid them adios and find your north bridge, wouldn't you say?


editted to add: Fighting tyranny is not illegal, its expected. You and I are all part of the unorganized militia, aren't we?
you blew my cover!

"(Sniff, sniff--) Is that Agent Schmuckatelli's aftershave I smell?

Now I have to think of other ways to entrap you, dangit! Can't just one of you make my job easier by saying something like, 'Well if that happens i will bust out my best stuff from their underground caches and carefully target any government officials I can get to' or something similar.

If you can find it in your hearts to help me in my law enforcement efforts, then please go the extra step and post a picture of yourself with a few other like-minded friends, and include names and addresses.

For it is written: where two or more of you are gathered, there am I busting up a conspiracy!

At least that's what it says in my Bad Attitude Towards Freedom handbook.

Thank you for saving me the time, as I now have to go back a draft a new scheme.

Agent Schmuckatelli
I would immediately turn in all firearms in my possession.
If it is complete government control that the people want, then maybe that is what they deserve.
Actually, setting sail for a foreign country would probably seem like a good idea right about then.
Let me just dig out my old copy of the Declaration here...

originally posted by Thomas Jefferson:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necefsary for one people to difsolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to afsume among the powers of the earth, the feperate and equal ftation to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they fhould declare the caufes which impel them to the feperation.

At that point, I certainly would deem it necefsary to difsolve the political bands with the Policified States of America. So, write up a little Declaration of our own, whip it off to Washington, and, if they respect the founding principles of Our Country at all, they will let us secede. Otherwise, well, I shall not post the likely outcome.
Well, if such a scenario were to happen, the money I spent on my garand and the time I spent at the ranges shooting matches might not have been wasted time and money.
Actually, setting sail for a foreign country would probably seem like a good idea right about then.

And what country would you set sail for? There are none left as free as the USA.
And what country would you set sail for? There are none left as free as the USA.

In theory, that is true.
But there are places where freedom is largely a matter of who you have to pay off.
Who was it who said "As the USA goes, so goes freedom in the World"? I'm not willing to let freedom vanish from the world. It would likely be permanent extinction. I value diversity and economic opportunity too much to let that happen.
As much as I would like to believe that we would allstand up and do something if it ever came to the original post scenario, I think that those who would stand up at the beginning would be few and far between and they would die horribly.

The populace at large would just sit back and let it happen, then after hundreds of years of oppression, they might fight back, maybe...

It's been a bad week, only outlook...pessimistic...

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