80 Million gun owners in America?

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Sep 22, 2004
I was just wondering if anyone had any supporting data or know where to get the data on the 80 million gun owners in America estimate?

Ive been the leading voice in a gun debate on the honoluluadvertiser.com discussion board. Im sure everyone here is well aware of Hawaii's intrusive and unconstitutional gun laws. Im heading back to Hawaii and I will be active on trying to reverse and prevent more stringent gun laws in Hawaii.

I could only find the 1994 Department of Justice's 44 Million gun owners and 200 million gun estimates. I know the 80 million gun owners estimate is widely used by various organizations but I need to know if there is a more recent study pointing to 80 million or if the 44 million is inflamed for good reason and why.


pshaaawww, that silly amy fishers opinion said in 1994 there were 192 million gunowners.

if i used that figure, it would really drive the mortality rate down based on the ratio of gunowners to actual deaths involved.
for 192 mil = .00015% of gunowners responsible for 30,000 annual deaths.
wait, we cant use suicides in that.
homicides and accidents: .00006% of gunowners responsible for 12,000 deaths, or one in 16,000.
accidents alone = hmm, my calculator says 0.00%, or one in 192,000 for accidental deaths.
You might want to check out this thread:



Just How many Gun Owners ARE There in the United States of America?

December 8th, 2003 12:47 AM


I think one source of confusion is that many surveys measure what percentage of households contain firearms, rather than how many people actually own guns.

If X number of households contain firearms, do you interpret that to mean that every adult in that household is a firearm owner?
Whatever the number is, it is hard to visualize that many gunnies.
80mil gun owners would roughly put gun owners not TOO far under 1/3 of the population of the united states. (285mil i think is the estimate from the 2000 census)

the figure i heard was 60 mil - but either way - i'm sure most gun sites will reference thier materials and where theyu come from - check it out - usually at the bottom of the article in the footnotes.

80 Million is the highest number I've heard quoted, but haven't ever heard the reference. I think it's a bit high. I also think DOJ gets it low at 45 Million. From the various polling I've seen, the number seems to be around 60 Million.

Also remember that when citing the total population, we need to factor out kids since they can't legally own firearms. As of November this year, the 18 and over population will be approximately 220,140,000.

That makes about 27.3% of the population a gun owner.
80mm Gun owners = 800,000 voters

Maybe not but as big a voting block as we could muster the pols should be quaking in their panties.

I have become a one issue voter because without the second amendment, all bets are off on anything else.

All it woudl take in many states is 50,000 hardcore single issue voters. If the gays (2% of the population) change the social fabric of this country what can a couple of million DEDICATED gun owners do ???

Sure, there are alot of critical issues facing us, but keeping my gun is far and away the most important ..... All else is fluff
"Maybe not but as big a voting block as we could muster the pols should be quaking in their panties."

Exactly! Whatever the number actually is, if only 10 percent of gun owners in this country got off their a$$es and actually voted the RKBA, we wouldn't even *have* politicians like Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer.

"Maybe not but as big a voting block as we could muster the pols should be quaking in their panties."

Exactly! Whatever the number actually is, if only 10 percent of gun owners in this country got off their a$$es and actually voted the RKBA, we wouldn't even *have* politicians like Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer.

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