A compendium?

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Dec 14, 2004
Vienna, VA
Every time I get into a gun control debate in IRC (Bad idea from the start) or other forums I find that my bookmarks of statistics and laws and articles and etc are not as organized as I'd like. I've linked to GunFacts several times and it's immedialy touted as propaganda.
So, has anyone put together a compendium of such bookmarks for everyone to use? Or is it time for someone to make one?
No problem I did a thesis a few years ago so I spent a lot of time looking for sources, BTY it was an 2A paper to PO an anti gun Hippie teacher.:evil:
I do have more it needed quite a few.
don't let them get away with simply labeling progun facts as propaganda, call them out on it.

Ask them if ANY data from ANY sight is valid, once they agree yes, then say maybe your bit is, so theirfore it needs to be examined and refuted on it's own merit.

Things like this cut both ways, ask why you shouldnt' dismiss all their stats and arguments as propaganda.

It's that old argument of 'One man says that religion is false, God does not exist, people who believe in God simply do so because it is comforting to them. The other man says that athiesm is false, God does exist, people who disbelieve in God simply do so because it is comforting to them.
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