A difficult email to reply to

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also, as a wisconson resident, do you have a mandatory waiting period?

why does the recepit have a pickup date?

I've never had a recipt with a pickup date
There is something very wrong with the original e-mail. PU on May 30 is very unusual.

I've never run into a business that has a 6-week layaway and that isn't the law in Wisconsin.

I do not doubt the sincerity of Mokeyleg, but I suspect it is possible someone is yanking his chain.

As far as a nut job getting a murder weapon, I have my doubts. I have sledge hammers, gas and battery saws, knives (up the wazoo) and a host of other weapons available if I want to do something perverse.

It ain't right.
why would he need a gun to take her out?...

sounds like a troll, but you were right to answer it the way you did, rather safe than sorry.
Then maybe you've never ordered something that wasn't in stock.

ha good point, I never have. I always figured if I had them special order somethign for me they wouldn't be able to give me a date set in stone.

Anways, again, this is good evidence that the guy is sane. If he was planning to do some killing he'd probably settle for a gun they had on display. Ordering something 'specail order' is kind of a self-imposed 'waiting period'
1. Inform the cops. Give them the info & evidence, and let them decide what they're going to do about it.

2. Get out of state. Yes, there will be issues - cope.

3. Arm accordingly. If he still shows up, the cops haven't done their part, can't do their part, and he's seriously motivated toward harm.

Even if the request was a "troll", I don't see how such an answer can really be abused.
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