A dilemma

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Jul 6, 2006
I have voted consistantly Republican for a number of years now but I must say Ive become disapointed with the Bush adm. and some other Repubs in congress regarding some issues.I have all but decided to start voting Libertarian as I just dont see it as a wasted vote anymore considering my disapointment.I am pleased with the Repubs regarding 2nd amendment issues but other issues not.
I just read a poll though indicating among Democrat voters that they would nominate Hillary Clinton above other candidates(not to say the other candidates are great choices also).I have utter contempt for Hillary,her thirst for power reeks thru her pores.I could not stand having her in the White House.I find it hard to believe that Democrats themselves would want her except the die hard extreme leftists.
So my dilema is to vote my true belief or if Hillary actually runs and is nominated to bite my lip and vote Repub once again to counteract such an unbelievable horror.

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I am basically in the same boat, but I have decided that I will not vote Republican even if there is threat of Hillary taking over the White House. It is rather a sad tiring to vote the lesser of two evils. :scrutiny:
I came to the decision that I"m going to vote my heart regardless of who I think will win.

This two party system has made me whore myself to the lesser of two evils for the last time. If more people were more true to their beliefs instead of believing the hype that a vote for who you actually want is a wasted vote, then we'd have something that better resembled a representitive democratcy.

Vote Libritarian, vote Anarcho Capitalist, vote for people you want to see in office, don't vote so that the other guy won't win.

change won't come from within either of the parties, at least not the kind of change I want to see. Reps and Dems sold their soul a long time ago.

The lesser of two evils is no choice at all.
Wait a minute ...

A lot of us aren't happy with the situation we have now and the action/inaction by the administration on different issues. But some folks have short memories on how it was and how things looked for the second amendment just seven or so years ago.

The August issue of National Rifleman arrived Wednesday, and they have a very good "Then and Now" article in it. It compares the situation under Clinton "the First" to what we have today, thanks to a Republican held congress and White House.

Grab a copy and read the article, simply presented facts about what was and where we were heading. Then come back and tell me how it won't matter for shooters if Hillary gets in office or that a Democrat controlled congress won't have any big impact on our rights. It's far more imnprotant to teach the Republicans a lesson.

When you hear the Democrats talking about returning to their "Glory Days" when Clinton was in the White House, it includes aggressive gun control programs, headed up by Feinstein, Schumer and their ilk and supported by Executive Orders that would have to be challenged in court.

If you want to see what life in the USA will be like if that happens, take a look at the Democrat controlled gun banning utopias of Chicago, New York, San Francisco and get ready.
I voted Libertarian Party in the last presidential election. It's too early to say whether I will vote LP or GOP in the next one. I felt comfortable voting LP in 04 because I lived in Tennessee, and knew that Bush would take the state regardless of my vote. I seized the opportunity to show support for libertarian principles, and as kind of a protest against lots of things the GOP has been doing (and not doing) that annoy me.

I live in Minnesota now, however. We'll see who the candidates are in 08, and what the race looks like. If there is ANY remote chance of Hillary taking Minnesota in 08, I'll be throwing everything I have into her defeat. That probably means voting for the GOP candidate.
Might was well wait to see who the GOP nominee is. The Republican candidates will probably have some small but significant differences of opinion on issues like 2nd Amendments, immigration, Iraq, and who knows what else. Or, it may even be RINO.
Exactly, Red State. Wait and see. G.W.Bush is not running again, and there are Republicans who share at least some of our true conservative values. Let's wait and see-or actually pitch in for the GOP candidate of choice--before jumping ship. Now if McCain or Giulani emerges--panic!

Good point about waiting to see who the nominee is. And y'all definitely need to vote in the primaries, since that's where it counts most IMO.

If McCain or Guiliani get the nomination, I'll be voting Libertarian for Pres.
I'm an independent, liberal ex-Democrat. I have become a single-issue pro-gun voter.

I will not vote for any likely Democratic Presidential candidate.

If nominated, I will not vote for McCain. I don't want any imaginary "gunshow loopholes" filled.

If nominated, I will not vote for Giuliani. With him in the White House, you couldn't tell the difference between the BATFE and Hezbollah.

I am reserving judgement on Romney. His being from Mass. makes me suspicious about what if any committment he has to 2A rights.

Both of my Senators, DeWine and Voinovich, are anti-gunners. My Congressman, Kucinich, is a Martian.
The one advantage of living in the San Francisco Bay Area is that you can vote your conscience without any guilt trips about throwing your vote away, because the Democrats will always win on matter what. Last time districts were redrawn, it only entrenchend all the incumbants, so nothing ever changes.

In fact, half the time for U.S. Rep., there IS NO REPUBLICAN choice on the ballot, only a Libertarian! My incumbant is F- rated by the NRA.

The last Senate seat that came up for election, the Republican on the ballot didn't even bother to campaign.
This November

If the Republicans lose the House or the Senate (hopefully not both) it will serve as a wake up call...I hope.

That may avert a disaster in 08.

I hope.
lionking said:
...Ive become disapointed with the Bush adm. and some other Repubs in congress regarding some issues.I have all but decided to start voting Libertarian...

Sorry to hear that GOP did not satisfy you; I doubt any party candidate will appeal to all your desires. Abandoning party (for a third party) seems a good way to throw away your vote (although that certainly is an option); perhaps the next GOP candidate might be more to your liking... sad to see someone abandon party simply bacause president didn't meet everyone of your expectations...perhaps it was multi-front war the Chief Executive was engaged in and didn't have time to meet all domestic expectations....
Well, you can look back on my posts from 2000 (TFL) to 2002 and 2004... I've backed the Republicans as the only practical alternative for a long time and I have to say that I am feeling pretty much the same way. Right now I can't even imagine who the Republicans are going to run in 2008 that would make me want to vote for them.

I'll vote for them in 2006 because I like most of my local Republicans and they have been consistent in supporting RKBA. Of course one reason I have good Republicans to vote for is because I did my part in the primaries to put them there.

The national party had better figure out what they are going to do in 2008 though. I am not backing Giuliani or McCain and I don't care what hellion the Dems run against them. The national party seems to be under the mistaken idea that they aren't acting socialist enough to appease Americans...
The only GOP candidates that come to mind who might earn my vote are Paul and Tancredo. Barring something unforeseen, I'll go 3rd party once again.

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I would like to see the republican triumvirate end. Republicans are too cozy with the religious right who want to make this country a theocracy. Then again Republicans delivered many pro 2A laws. Dilemmas, dilemmas!

I am tired of choosing which fredom I enjoy more, can't we have a viable party that supports all the amendments. It always seems to be a choice between 1st or 2nd amendmant candidates. If Jeb or Hillary are my choices next year I will just throw up.
I will continue to hold my nose and vote GOP so long as libertarians fail to give any workable solution to real world problems. Burying your head in the sand only gets you one thing - your butt kicked.
Folks, anybody who votes for a political party is basically screwed. A party is just an amorphous blob on the political landscape. You have to realize that you're voting for a human being, not a party. That human being may be more or less worthy, have opinions and positions more or less in line with your own, be more or less faithful and trustworthy as your representative, etc.

That being the case, I vote as follows.

1. If possible, I vote for the individual whose worth, opinions, positions, trustworthiness, etc. are as close as possible to my own. I don't care whether he/she is Democrat, Republican or something else - it's the individual that matters.

2. If there isn't an individual close enough to my position, I vote against the individual(s) who are furthest away from my position. I don't agree with not voting because you can't find someone worthy of your vote. You can always find someone who is less worthy than others! So, use your vote to ensure that the least objectionable candidate wins.

That's my outlook, anyway. I can sleep easier at night knowing that I've done the best I can as an individual, and haven't been a "political sheep" and voted a party line.

And, yes, voting like this requires you to analyze the candidates involved, and inform yourself of their positions, history, voting record, etc. Hey - who said that being a responsible adult didn't involve work from time to time?
Camp David,considering the moderators of this forum wish to keep discussions related or closely related to firearm issues Im hesitant to list reasons Im unhappy with Republicans which would just endup into a endless debate about several issues.
I was not saying I will not vote Republican at all,I may for local or state and congress depending and I will see who is the nomination for the Libertarian and Republican parties before my final decisions.I am concerned about what Democrats would do regarding firearm issues but.
Needless to say this administration and Bush's appointments I think need to regard the 10th amendment to the Bill of Rights with a little more thought.It seems to me that certain elements within both the Democratic and Republican parties are interested in medeling in affairs of the American people which the federal government should not and at best be left to local or states issues.
There are some issues I in fact agree with more as a Libertarian rather than as a conservative.
I just cannot handle the thought of Hillary Klinton as president,as commander in chief,as the person I would have to see give a state of the union address.
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The Democrats could win with Montana governor Brian Schweitzer against John McCain or Juliani. We get a pro gun candidate and the republican legislature can fight with him on everything else.

I think Brian Schwietzer is more of a republican in many respects than Bush, McCain, Guilaini, or Hilary Clinton.
lionking said:
I just cannot handle the thought of Hillary Klinton as president

Relax... no way is Hillary winning the Presidency... I just don't see that happening under any circumstances... though she has a $22 m warchest, she lacks foreign policy expertise and that is precisely why she cannot win... particularly with our predicament in the Middle East... there are a plethora of other candidates more qualified in this respect. Additionally, Hillary's talking out of both sides of her mouth may have worked in her Senate race but will fail badly in the president's race... the same exact failings that Kerry experienced will trap Hillary... good GOP campaign ads will paint Hillary as a flip-flopper on most issues and her lack of backbone on most issues (particularly foreign policy) will sabotage her run...

In short...she can't win...
I don't care whether he/she is Democrat, Republican or something else - it's the individual that matters.

This is a GREAT philosophy, Preacherman, but in practice I've never came across a Democrat who was worthy of my vote. Or one of the something else, either. So you talk a good game, but it doesn't play out in reality. At least in my reality. :evil:

And yes, the young bucks are throwing their vote away when they support one of the third parties. Thinking with testosterone rather than their brains, I call it. ;) Any adult who subscribes to that libertarian claptrap, ie, who is not a young buck, like Mister T would say - "I pity the ----." :neener:
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