"a double standard" ???

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Dec 25, 2002
A Hispanic police chief made what is, in my opinion, a racist "anti-white" statement -- yet he still has his job.

I bet if a white police chief made the same type of statement directed at a minority group, there would be: protests;
Al Sharpton would fly into town; and he or she would be at least suspended, if not immediately fired.

Here's the link to the article:


Just my 2 cents...

Is there a double standard?

What do you think?

:uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh:
Absolutley racist and wrong.

Just like hate crimes are not charged when the crime is committed on white folks, only on non-whites. :rolleyes:

Nothing will be done, he is a protected class. :D
BIG F-ING DEAL!!! WHO CARES??? We have enough to worry about without having to muddle through this crap!

I could care less who calls who what and I think the rest of the world should follow suit. There'd be a lot less hate, that's for sure.

The point is less that people should be flayed for certain statements, and more that people should be treated consistently without regard for their race.

Minorities are granted wide lattitude in criticising "whitey" - because they are "not the oppressors", etc. The fact is, many are well on their way...
"I could care less who calls who what and I think the rest of the world should follow suit."

Unfortunately, the rest of the world does not and will not follow suit.
Of course it's a double standard.

We all should know that in order to be a racist you MUST be white.

Other ethnic groups cannot be racists.

If you're white, you do get a pass on your racism if you're a Democrat.

Compare, if you will, Trent Lott, who was hounded out of his senate position not for making overt racist statements, but for praising the record of a man who opposed the civil rights movement.

On the other hand, we have white Democrat Robert Byrd, beloved of many, and with a former membership in everyone's favorite linnen service, the Ku Klux Klan. Of course, Byrd has apologized for his membership in the Klan, so he's immediately forgiven.

Trent Lott? Still unforgive, after numerous apologies.

Tell me that's not a double standard.

Then we head on over to the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Any visits to Hymietown lately, Rev. Jackson? His comments drew a momentary splash, a few weeks worth of news print, and a half-hearted apology.

All's right with the good Rev.

Let a white Republican make a statement like that, and you'd think he's wearing a swastika armband and carting around a cannister of Zyklon-B.

Let's face it, folks. Racism will never die in this country.

Not because conservatives are racist (some of them are, undoubtedly. I'll probably be accused of being a racist for writing this, but I'm not running for office, so :cuss: off.)

Racism will never die in this country because it's simply too financially and politically profitable for those who supposedly abhore it.
Former Atlanta mayor and U.S. UN ambassador Andy Young once referred to the supporters of a political opponent as "Smart-*** White Boys".

For a long time thereafter, t-shirts, baseball caps and coffee cups with the legend "S.A.W.B." were really popular tchotchkes around Hotlanta. :D
To me, Trent Lott went down for selling out the House members who voted for impeachment. His so called comments were not an issue with me.

As for the issue that started this thread, it would seem to me that if enough people complained, it wouldn't be a double standard anymore, regardless of how the media spins it.

My personal belief is that if you are not of My race you are not as good as I. You are not as smart or loving or moral as I. If you are of my race You are my equal and are responsible for your actions both good and bad.
I happened to be from the HUMAN RACE. if you are not human you are not my equal.

I do get really sick of Color being a way to choosing who gets what. And who is Guilty of what.
Listen to any ghetto-rap song (or NOT), and you'll hear the "N" word more times in one song than at a Klan rally. Funny double standard, huh? Only if it were me singin' a song and I said that "N" word, holy smacks, I'd be in some serious trouble.
Listen to any black comedian make fun of white people in their skits........and if I were to do skits about funny Negroes, I'd be sued HARD!
Whatever.................deep down inside, we're all pink!
Mike Irwin --
Compare, if you will, Trent Lott, who was hounded out of his senate position not for making overt racist statements, but for praising the record of a man who opposed the civil rights movement.


The party was the "DixieCrats" a group of racist Democrats that were for segregation--

But the Republican gets the heat for praising a member of that group--:uhoh: :rolleyes:
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