A hunter - my son- is fighting for his life

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
They are going to try to bring him around a little bit today, that is a huge step. I have to be beside him when they do because
he may panic. They took him off dialysis yesterday and have discovered that Black Mold was the problem which has made
huge steps and hopeful now.
He is still on life support and needs all the prayers you have and will send.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
They are going to try to bring him around a little bit today, that is a huge step. I have to be beside him when they do because
he may panic. They took him off dialysis yesterday and have discovered that Black Mold was the problem which has made
huge steps and hopeful now.
He is still on life support and needs all the prayers you have and will send.
Wow, I have heard that black mold is some pretty nasty stuff. I am praying every time I look at my watched threads and this one pops up.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
They are going to try to bring him around a little bit today, that is a huge step. I have to be beside him when they do because
he may panic. They took him off dialysis yesterday and have discovered that Black Mold was the problem which has made
huge steps and hopeful now.
He is still on life support and needs all the prayers you have and will send.
Man, I've been thinking about him (and you) ever since I read this post for the first time a few days ago.
Hopefully now that they know what caused the problem, they can formulate a plan to attack it.
I touched base with my assistant and asked him to make it a prayer request at our prayer service he is leading this evening.

As another who is also a pastor, I might just carefully say that putting those closest to us in the care of “He That Doeth All Things Well”( to paraphrase Fanny Crosby from her hymn “all the way my Savior leads me”) and trusting Him with whatever the outcome is is very difficult to do, yet that is the safest thing to do… And,I freely admit, though I had given that advice on numerous occasions, when it involved me and mine… so much easier said than done! Our Prayers are with you and yours on this tough path.
Just saw this and am praying for all of your family. There is great advice to take care of yourself so you can be there for your loved ones. Been through several situations that the LORD has graciously listened to prayer and brought miraculous healing, peace, and comfort. He is truly the GREAT physician.

" So now Lord, we ask humbly in your SON'S name, please keep your hands on this family, bring healing and comfort. Your will be done. Amen"
First thanks for all the prayers and wishes, I know this is a strong place but never expected this much= THANKS!
They have him sitting up and responding to commands, but his eyes aren't open yet. They say they are going to bring him all the way out in the morning, and we will be with him.
He still has so many life support hoses and wires on him it scares me. His eyes are closed and covered in oils.
Just to see this much is hopeful, there was little hope before this but lots of prayers from people like you.
They are so professional there; they had a nurse come in who knew how to communicate with him better than anyone and had other nurses accompany her as a teaching for them.
He can't talk with the trach in his throat and a feeding hose. But she got from him that he wanted to hear his favorite kind of music, 80's rock, so he didn't have to hear all the
beeping and alarms from his life support. He can do a thumbs up or slightly smile when we talk to him.
Tomorrow is a big day; he still has the lung infection, but they have lowered it enough to be safe for him, but they may end up removing part of one lung which is my decision of
course and that carries so much weight with it.
24 days now: I thought it was a month, but it feels like a year.
My wife - after the brain surgery, is doing better every day but on a long path to recovery also she is having an expected reaction to a medication which will keep her all upset
for some time but a very necessary medication. She is a very strong person; she can do this.
I sure I forgot some things.