A Little Taste of the Sandbox.

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Dec 28, 2004
Let me start by saying that the footage seen is NOT filmed by me nor do I have permission to use it. This is roughly a 6 minute video I put together from various clips I've acuired over the months from serching various internet websites. Again, the only thing I did was edit. My heart goes out to all the families who have loved ones in the sandbox as we speak. For those in the sandbox... GET SOME!

Click here. Please allow a few minutes for the video to load. If you want to save this video to your hard-drive let me know and I can arrange it.

WARNING: Some foul language, graphic violence

Mods: This is another one of my 'All American' threads. If it's not suitable for THR by all means please delete.

My pleasure... I only wish I could show the guys who actually filmed this stuff.

Very moving video - thank you.

In returning the favour, here's a little series of pics and clips I put together into a small movie from my time over there. Hurried, incomplete and not professionally-edited at all - it was really for family and friends, but might be interesting to see a PSD-perspective on life over there.

View here
Thanks to both of you for putting these together. This is something that should be showed to the sheep in America, so they would have at least an inkling of what our troops are up against. God Bless our troops, and may they come home in one piece.
english kanigit said:
Excellent choice of music. That has to be one of my favorite albums of all time...

I agree. However, I must admit, the first part of the video is not my orignal work and the first part of the song was already on there. What I did was add all the additional video clips after the "missing soldiers" scene and added the rest of the song.

spin180 said:
What's the title of the song / album?

Its a song by Hanz Zimmer and its on the Black Hawk Down soundtrack. I'm not exactly sure what the name of the song is...sorry. :confused:
Very nice job with the video.

I agree with the other posters about the music. I'm plenty tired of war footage with up-spirited rock music dubbed over it, making that which is very un-cool when you're actually there look like a whole lot of fun when you are sitting at home.
Sergeant Sabre said:
I agree with the other posters about the music. I'm plenty tired of war footage with up-spirited rock music dubbed over it, making that which is very un-cool when you're actually there look like a whole lot of fun when you are sitting at home.

You hit the nail smack dab in the middle of the head. My fear when making this video is that it would be seen as just another glorified war video made by someone who has no idea what its actually like. I'm honored that you've all found this video to be something that you really like. Like you, I've seen countless videos with guitars blazing and people screaming (don't get me wrong I love me some rock n' roll) and while it was fun for a while...it was just that...fun. War is NOT fun. I have a cousin currently in Iraq who serves as a war correspondant so she interviews many different people and travels all over the sandbox. I only wish I had the courage that our brothers and sisters have to go and fight where the enemy is a complete coward with no regard for innocent life, or any life for that matter, including their own. As for the 'sheep' of america. They just don' understand that the islamic extremist way of life is something that MUST be stopped. I live in california and everyday I see anti-war/anti-bush/anti-american protests and it absolutely sickens me. These people havn't a darn clue. The other day a group of teens sat in the middle of the highway protesting the war in Iraq. TEENS... KIDS.... People who are force-fed anti-american sentiment at the hands of liberal leftist teachers. You can go in just about any classroom in the state and you can hear just why california thinks they are a seperate, superior nation. The worst part about it all is that the teachers are not teaching, they are simply stating opinion as fact, which as we all know, is outright proposterous. To keep this gun related: These same teachers spew anti RKBA from the mouth like a rabid dog. Most of whom live sheltered lives and know little to nothing about guns except that they are ALWAYS used for evil purposes. It will take nothing short of a miracle to change this state's way of thinking. In the meantime, I'm moving to arizona. ;)

Semper Fi

Damn Dev, that brought a tear to my eye. Was there once and won't make another appearance, though sometimes I would like to. My wife, my children, my turn.......

The best compilation I have seen to date.
Very, very well done. The music and images are powerful.

Only one critique: I think it's a bit of a non sequitur between 9/11 and Iraq, IMO.
slyeugeneguy said:
Only one critique: I think it's a bit of a non sequitur between 9/11 and Iraq, IMO.

Point noted, but I disagree. I beleive the reason we are in Iraq is to stop future attacks like that of 9/11. Nuff said.

I've been lurking here for awhile, I'm looking into getting into shooting. This post made me register. Bravo, that is a fine video.
Welcome to The High Road. You'll find that most people on this site are well rounded and for the most part offer some pretty good advise.

My suggestion to anyone who is just starting to get into shooting is to go to your local range or gunshop and inquire about taking a weapons handling course of some sort. If they don't offer one they probably know who does. Then when your comfortable with yourself handling a firearm, go and rent a couple at the range to see what you like best. Try to find a range that accepts shotguns and rifles aswell so that you can try out a large selection of different brands, models, calibers, etc. The sky is the limit when it comes to firearms. There's litterally thousands of different guns to choose from, and you can have as many as you want! (you'll quickly find that's easier said then done ;) )

I just got serious about firearms myself about two years ago, now I have 3 handguns, 1 shotgun, 4 carbines, and 2 rifles... And folks on here would say im lagging! It's addicting!


P.S. Always remember: The best accessory you can buy for any gun is ammo and range fees.
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