A new 870 in the family.....

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Feb 21, 2007
North Carolina
Ah that feeling....... a new shotgun.......or new to me anyways :D

I traded a fellow today for one of these:


The folding stock model not the double pistol grip one.

What can I say, I like 870's......

I love the way this one handles. My others are all either 28 inch bird guns or 20 inch Slug/HD guns. This one is my first 18 inch barreled gun. The folding stock (Butler Creek, but factory installed by Remington) folds up nice and tight and feels good on the shoulder. We'll see how it shoots once I get clearance from the docs to handle 12 ga recoil again (still recovering from back surgery).

I've been walking around the house giddy as a new parent all evening. I walk to the gun safe to check on it, make sure it's tucked in and comfy. My wife thinks I'm an idiot every time I come home with a new or different gun, because I act sort of like this. It's really only this bad when it's a Remington 870 though. Well I'm almost this bad with a 700, not quite, but close. :uhoh:
Congrats,RR, looks like a keeper.

If that folder doesn't work for you, it's easy enough to swap it out and sell the folder to someone building the Ultimate Uber Tactical shotgun that may actually get shot once or twice some day.

Again, 870s do not reproduce but they do multiply.
Yeah I've already had that thought. Not sure how I'm gonna like actually shooting that folding stock. We'll see with the first couple range trips.

I wish they would reproduce. I've got some fine breeding stock in the gunsafe......:scrutiny:

Would be cheaper to breed them than buy them :)
Cheaper to breed them....

That's what Pop thought about bird dogs. Not true, but he ended up with better dogs. Trouble is,there's no better pumpgun.

Do let us know how it shoots....
Will do. It'll be awhile though. I fell out of my treestand in Sept while bowhunting and screwed my back up pretty bad. Broke L-1 and have T-11 to L-2 fused together now with titanium rods. I'm just starting back to work part time tomorrow and the docs have so far given me very strict instructions that there is to be no recoil in my life. I'm not even supposed to be lifting over 5lbs yet, though I end up violating that rule daily it seems. I go back to the docs on the 16th and hopefully they'll clear me to shoot small caliber at least up to .243. If so I can salvage the rest of this deer season at least. I doubt they're gonna clear me for 12 ga. that soon. May be months before I can shoot this one.
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