A Senator's AWB poll

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Claim chicago? Throw daily something to distract him?

Should Congress renew the ban on assault weapons?

Yes: 50%
No: 48%
Undecided: 3%
2194 total votes
Huh? looks like this totals 101%
The extra 1% came from the undead Democrats in favor of the ban.

Zombies can't eat your brains if you are armed to the teeth. :rolleyes:
the good guys are ahead at this time,

55 to 43. We need a bigger margin. Vote early and vote often, as they say in the Windy City....
Its irrelevant.

Fitzgerald is as bad a RINO as there are. He's retiring after one term and is going to be replaced by Barrack Obama who will certainly be a friend of DiFi and Chuck Schmuck
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