A small email to a "gun-free" store

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What "OPSEC?" If they publicly display the sign, there is no need to protect their identity. I submit you post the name and location of the store in question, as it serves two purposes: 1) to warn others about this policy in case they weren't aware and 2) it allows fellow enthusiasts to join in on the campaign.

Businesses need to know the ramifications of such signs, here in Texas we have the 30.06 sign requirement which means certain requirements must be met to make the sign enforceable. That leads to many businesses that display illegal signs to make their unknowing customers feel "safe" while in fact allowing CHL holders to carry on the premises without worry.

Cheers! M2
Green Lantern said:
I'm pretty happy with it, but am always in the market for constructive criticism.

"Opsec" and all, I'll just say it's a store owned by Variety Wholesalers Inc. I could be wrong, but it very much looks like the sign is a "corporate" thing, it's got the hours and other misc. info on it.


I have recently noticed signage on your ________ store in _______ indicating that no weapons are allowed. Therefore I will no longer conduct business with you and will encourage others to follow suit. You may think such a policy makes you safer, I strongly disagree. I'm guessing this policy was made with citizens who have been granted concealed carry permits in mind. But stop and think about what criminals would make of it. At best, an armed criminal will simply ignore the sign, of course.

But at worst...any intelligent criminal who is operating in an area where citizens can be allowed to carry guns must choose his targets wisely. Besides the police, he must also try to avoid any armed citizens that could thwart him. So-called "gun-free" zones, such as your store in ________, would then be a prime target!

That that you seem to distrust carry permit holders is secondary to the fact that your no-weapons policy endangers your shoppers and your employees, in my view. I urge you to re-think this bad policy choice.

I chose to focus not on why they should trust us, but why they should distrust the sign making them safer - as in, it's an invitation for a savvy criminal that does not want the risk of a CCWer ruining his day. I don't expect they give two craps about MY rights, but they might care more about the safety of THEIR employees (maybe!), and definitely about the safety of THEIR customers!

Ultimately, I would be fine carrying out my promise to go elsewhere if they don't change the sign. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Posted from Thehighroad.org App for Android
This is amazing. I'm really impressed. It's the first time I have seen an Email about this type of issue work (or appear to work).

Great job doing the right thing for RTKBA.
This is awesome. I'm glad that some stores actually listen to their clientele. Thanks for helping them to see the light.
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Very well done!
Here in Texas, we call it the "30.06" sign. You have to LOVE the irony!:)
In this economy, businesses can ill afford to alienate customers. Now, if
somebody would come up with a vehicle to inform businesses of just how many there are of us who carry legally, we could change a lot of minds. I believe businesses would embrace us instead of trying to shun us.
Here is my question to any business that is a self proclaimed GUN FREE ZONE. What security measures do YOU have in place to protect me in your store ? And what security measures do have in place that would keep a criminal for stealing my concealed carry weapon for my vehicle and killing everyone in this store ?
Anyone that thinks a gun free zone is a good idea is a F'n Idiot.
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