AARP? anyone a member

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No, and will not become a member. I've no wish to send money to an organization with ideas and ideals that differ so greatly from mine.

Not only are they a liberal front organization, they are a FOR PROFIT one. They don't have my interests at heart, only the bottom line. They make it sound like they are a charitable group with the only goal of helping the "old folks", but they support a gaggle of high priced lobbyists that wield power for the sake of power and liberal causes. Been there, done that, sent the card back and asked for a refund. No reply yet, but it's only been 5 years. O C
I know they're anti-gun, but do the really do much to support that point of view?

I'm not defending them or anything; I just don't know and I'm curious is all.
After I sent a number of things back to them marked 'DECEASED - RETURN TO SENDER', I haven't gotten much from them. 'Course I did the same to some pre-approved credit card applications in my ex-wife's name, too.
I'm a member, but will probably let it lapse after hearing the comments above. Don't think I'll miss that much in benefits.
As the AARP stands for just about everything that I loath in our society; while I am old enough, they will never see dime one from me as long as I have control over my affairs:fire:
mpmarty, good to see another '39er around. We are a pretty rare breed, you know. :D

I like your method. I no longer get stuff from them, for similar actions taken, starting about 18 years ago.

I like to stuff all my junk mail in their envlopes and sent it to them.
I do that too. Last year I wrote them and told them to either quit mailing me membership solicitations or explain to me their position on RKBA. They kept right on doing the former and never explained the latter.

I like to stuff their envelopes with solicitations I get from The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), another anti-gun, or at least anti-hunting, organization posing as friends to animals. HSUS, in turn, gets lots of AARP info from me.

Everybody wins !
AARP card carrying, Pro Gun member here~! ;) :cool:

If I had too choose between the N.R.A. or the AARP, it definitely would
be the


Update: I will be dropping my membership to the AARP upon expiration, as I was not aware of their stance.
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Also a member and definitely not going to be a renewing member. I think I've got about a year and a half to go, though. Am I just tossing the membership fees if I write'em and quit?
The Avaricious Association of Rapacious Predators (motto: "Hogging it all for ourselves, and to hell with our children and grandchildren") frequently invites me to join. I always send them a courteous letter (in their pre-franked envelope) telling them why I do not wish to be further harassed by them.
I joined for one two year term, but then found out what a ultra liberal group it is. They do not represent my views, their drug and vitamin prices are good though.
When they called and asked...

If I wanted to join, I grilled them on their anti gun attitude, and the caller admitted they were indeed anti and he did not agree with them either, he also said he would pass my comments on.:evil:
We had car and home insurance through AARP's Hartford Insurance Company and after a ticket, their premium went up so high that I questioned them on it and even told them over the phone that I was going to start looking for a different Insurance Company if they didn't re-do my premium, they refused. So, I started looking and saved $900 by going to Metlife....AARP is a ripoff sometimes and what do you really expect coming from an Insurance Company. What made it worse is that we have never had an accident and the ticket was for 45 in a 30 mph zone....
When I turned 50 about 4 years ago, their letters starting arriving..wanting me to join...I ignored them for a point I wrote them a letter asking if they supported 2A rights...never heard back and never had another
request to join em...
I was a member for a few years before I found out about their politics.

Mostly they are socialists pimping their various products, none of which are of any value to me.

AARP ? Hell No

AARP stands against most of my personal beliefs. I consider them a part of the 'usefull idiot' culture. I keep getting mail from them, and i keep trashing it. I will joint AARP as soon as hell freezes over.
AARP?!? What they said

Been there, done that, before I questioned their anti-2A stance.
Bunch of self-serving, hide-behind-the "for seniors" brief.
Cowards and liars all.


their whole agenda is anti gun, pro Democrat, more big government, more taxes and more give aways to seniors who were too busy doing drugs or screwing around to get an education, work hard and save their money.
No. I'm 68.
I use their postage paid return mail to tell them why I am declining.
Hey! Didn't get here without learning something. :)
I received a request for membership from them today. They did not include anything saying what I would be getting for my money. They said a membership packet and info about the benefits, would be sent after they received my money. I wrote on their invoice that I don't join organizations that infringe on my constitutional rights, and sent it back to them.
AARP Never

Nope. Never will. Waaaaaay too far left on fiscal/economic issues for me.

"The beatings will continue until morale improves." --Chinese Communist Party

"The crab instructs its young, "Walk straight ahead - like me." -- Hindustani proverb

"The revolution, like Uranus, eventually devours all its children."
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