ABC’s "20/20" Seeking "Armed Citizen" Stories

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Feb 6, 2007
Perhaps not the most appropriate section for this, but real-life scenarios are discussed here. At the same time, it could go into Legal & Political or General Gun Discussions.



Gun ban groups often claim that private citizens rarely, if ever, use guns in self-defense. ABC News’ "20/20" is now putting that claim to the test, asking viewers to submit their own real-life "Armed Citizen" stories. ABC’s website asks:

Have you ever defended yourself from a crime in your home, in your business, or in public by using a gun? Perhaps you warded off a potential attacker by simply showing a gun?

If you’ve personally used a gun in a legitimate act of self-protection against a criminal attacker, we encourage you to tell your story to ABC News. To tell your story, go to and complete their web form.

And to ensure that we at NRA know how many responses ABC gets, please send us a copy of your story by e-mailing [email protected]. You can also call NRA Public Affairs at (703) 267-1193.
I'm not sure I would trust them as far as I could throw them. If they run true to form, they'll edit the interview until Elmer Fudd looks like Charles Whitman.
If John Stossel is involved with the story it might end up alright. He is the only journalist on a major network newscast who I can stand to watch.
John Stossel is awesome. He is on our side.

He's also the co-anchor of the show.
"John Stossel" was the first name that came to mind, especially given the way they worded the premise - IE, seeing if an "anti" claim REALLY holds water!

Though, I'm still a little sore at 20/20 for last week's show. Though I forgot to watch it ( :banghead: ) it was a special on pharmacy errors and the like.

Either we've got some REALLY dense customers, or the report told people that when they sign the Consultation Logs, they're waiving their right to sue the pharmacy if we made an error...:rolleyes:
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