African Spear-tips

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Feb 28, 2008

i had a lucky find on the big flea market yesterday.
My eye caught sight of a well made spearhead in
great condition.

with a head the size of a palm and about 2 feet of twisted
steel leading to the ... thingy you stick the shaft in.

the design seems african.... and reminds me of the
moby-dick type harppoon tips as well... good material,
well forged..

well for like 7$ a pice i bought the two the guy had.
Will post pics soon.

...could be also that some german dude did it for
hobby purpose in his garage. Doesn´t look like
some bushman made those on the campfire.

( don´t ask me what i need a spear for, please :D)
ah... english is such a basic language.

The german word for it would probably be
like "Schaftverbindungshuelse"

i have no idea what i do need 2 fullsized
spears for......
Join the SCA. You'll fit right in.

Are there better groups of this than what I have seen in Great Falls, Montana? The one experience I had with them was a group with plastic swords and cardboard armor hanging out in front of the theater the opening weekend of the first Harry Potter movie. I was embarrassed for them.
Oh, yeah! You were probably watching a boffer squad. Wanna-bees and clowns.

There's another extreme, the drinking and wenching societies that you find inside the Society.

Most of us are there for the fighting, festivities, and general fun.

That's the group to look for!
I'll know when you post pictures, but it could be a Maasai spearhead. I had a buddy whose older brother went on a mission trip to stay with them, and he brought a spear back with him. Very intimidating weapon, they use them to kill lions.

If the sticky-inny part is curved, call it an ogive. Best word in the history of our fine bastard language, imho.

Though I suspect it's just a tang like in a knife.

Anyway, this thread's earmarked, I want pics. Isn't there something so cool about making stuff.. and something so much cooler about making weapons? so much fun.
41magsnub said:
Are there better groups of this than what I have seen in Great Falls, Montana?

I have a friend who invited me to one of his group's outings, it was great. The one event I went to had some great action, I liked the fencing:


But I liked the full battles a lot too:


And speaking of spears, the guy who had a spear ended up beating almost every single opponent. It was a fearsome weapon indeed.
socket, if the pole fits inside the metal

tang, if the metal fits inside the wooden pole

A short spear would be about he ideal non-firearm weapon in the close quarters of a modern home.
If it's from southern Africa, it's likely an assegai - which was allegedly designed by King Shaka of the Zulus.
it´s not an Assegai, from what i see and know.

The steel blade/tip is about 8-10 inches long and 2 inches wide.
The steel shaft with the socket is another 20 inches.......
The shaft has been twisted, for more stability against bending.

(camera in office, spear at home. sorry.)
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