After the stabbings and running down in NYC how can residents defend themselves?

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pro-gun county in upstate NY? wow.
I guess in the country side might be ok because all the cities are being managed by communists.

I am glad for you.
That guy wasn't robbing anyone.

He was killing people.

Not that the robber has a right to do what he does, but this guy ... you can't throw a wallet down for someone whose goal is to kill you. Better to do what the last guy he attacked did - take a cut or two, but kick his backside.
I'm sure Bernie Goetz would have some solutions.

There comes a point where I lose sympathy. Maybe I should mention that New York is probably safer now than it has been in about 40 years. Remember in the 70s when the city was falling into the ground? But for people who live in a dangerous place, and refuse to leave, I can't empathize. They are CHOOSING to remain in danger. They have DECIDED that they would rather live in a place they are comfortable knowing than take a chance to start over somewhere else. I got in an argument with someone once who said that some people are 'trapped' in bad neighborhoods. I asked, "Where? Like District 9? Is there a fence? Are their papers limiting their movements? Does Greyhound not run there? I don't know where they should move, but it like they couldn't possibly do worse then where they are RIGHT NOW."

Not too long ago I caught the beginning of "Daylight" with Stallone. (It didn't look good enough to hold my interest through the whole thing.) But it opened with a woman in New York who had a really bad with her work, her car, her apartment, etc, and she threw what she could carry into her car and LEFT. What an idea.
The police are better trained than you and if a cop shoots someone he has the mayor, the union and the police department on his side. Yes the problem of civilians being accidently shot by a cop happens in NY to often but when it happens the city gets sued.
Says WHO???

Based on observation and personal experience, I'll lay you odds that I both shoot more often than the average cop, and that I know applicable Ohio gun and CCW law FAR better. And why shouldn't I? I might get PROSECUTED if I don't.

Are you that "quick on the draw" that you could shoot someone with a knife standing 3 feet from you? Do enter dangerous situations like a NYPD officer would, conditioning you for stressful situations? You don't care about your wallet but if shot a child accidently would you care then?

The hell with the money, report it to the conductor, you never know the guy might get caught.
NO plan I have includes, nor will it EVER include trusting in the good intentions, common sense and good judgment of an armed robber.

I'd rather get stabbed drawing my gun than get stabbed with my thumb up my fourth point of contact.

Apparently, you prefer the CERTAINTY of being stabbed (or shot) by an armed robber to the POSSIBILITY of a child getting shot.

Your attitude is the reason why places like NYC and Chicago are the way that they are. You want armed robbery to be "safe"... but ONLY for the PERPETRATOR. Armed robbery is always going to be dangerous... I just want it to be dangerous for the predator TOO. When it's dangerous for HIM, fewer people will want to BE predators.
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I very much agree. I can't outshoot ALL cops, but I can outshoot MANY. And if I were picking a department to go up against for my own advantage, I would look for one with bureucratic training limitations, lots of guidelines that handicap the shooter, and almost no experience with firearms prior to becoming a cop, New York and Chicago would be the easy obvious first choices. :)
New York and Chicago would be the easy obvious first choices.
The Chicago PD doesn't even trust its rank and file officers to have shotguns in their squad cars, something you're likely to see in any little town in the sticks of Montana. There was a program to allow them to have M4 type carbines, but I think it was easier for me to get through Airborne school. They actually had a "strength test"... interesting given the number of CHILDREN I've seen shoot M-16A1s at CMP activities.
The question was how to defend oneself sagainst a stabber who is killing people in a place like NYC.

Answers have included a blackthorn (good idea), pepper spray (just make sure you buy it there), kickboxing (that's not for everyone), and not visiting there if one can avoid it (a long shot, but nonattendance is a strategy for dealing with potential confrontation; it's how I handle Illinois).

The question was not about armed robbers or how well police officers are trained.

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