AID TO MEXICO: A Fantasy Shooters Paradise

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Feb 18, 2007
NE Ohio
FANTASY PREMISE: Local law enforcement chiefs in Mexico are now advertising for shooters from the US to come to Mexico and assist in making their streets safe from the drug cartels. Once cleared by our NCIS background checks, a US citizen can apply for an armed visitor permit, and visit Mexico fully armed, and volunteer (they have no funds, but are inviting US citizens to help by just being armed citizens). They are doing this because it is easier to invite armed people into Mexico temporarily than change all Mexican laws regarding gun ownership. All armed US citizens will be registered, bonded, and will be given the same legal protection as Mexican police regarding justified shootings. Given the above, if you decided to help Mexico, what would you bring with you?
I think the cartel would have your body in a dumpster by noon. They are very organized and well armed.

I would send our military after them... They are even better organized and even more well armed. It would be a bloody conflict for sure. Things are not good down there, something will have to be done soon.
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