AKs & Bandaids in Knoxville, TN

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Paul Gomez

Member In Memoriam
May 21, 2003
After many delays, caused by scheduling issues, life issues, natural disaster, war and the end of the world as we know it...I am proud to announce that we [Jamie Jackson, Ian McDevitt and myself] have finally gotten dates set for a 'tacmed' class.

The class will be a one-day affair held in Knoxville, TN on 9 April. It will provide a framework for understanding the Tactical Combat Casualty Care model and how it differs from EMS model. We will provide hands-on training in hemostatic control [stopping bleeding] using the modern combat dressings, tourniquets and QuikClot as well as treating other traumatic injuries.

The class is structured for nonmedical personnel and is aimed at dealing with problems in the 'Care Under Fire' stage and the beginnings of 'Tactical Field Care' to keep the injured parties alive until they can enter the EMS system.

Approximately 1/4 of the course time will be spent in lecture, 1/2 spent in hands-on application and & drill and 1/4 spent in live fire scenarios where the attendees will have to integrate their newly acquired medical skills into the overall event.

A DEPOSIT of $75 is required to hold your slot in this class.

DATE: Sunday 9 April 2006
LOC: Knoxville, TN
COST: $175
POC: [email protected]
PHONE: 225.921.5900

As an added bonus, I will be teaching my Urban AK class on Saturday 8 April 2006, as well.

The Urban AK class is something I put together following my disappointment with what I was seeing as far as gunhandling with the AK series of weapons.
The focus of this class is on developing robust gunhandling with the AK platform. Each shooter will expend around 500 rounds of rifle ammo and 100 rounds of pistol ammo in this class and will leave with a dialed in methodology for running an AK. AKs are available for student use...

A DEPOSIT of $75 is required to hold your slot in this class.

DATE Saturday 8 April 2006
LOC: Knoxville, TN
COST: $175
POC: [email protected]
PHONE: 225.921.5900
US Army Combat Lifesaver Class

Location: Iraq

Cost: None, you're paid while you take it.

Highlights: carry similuated casualties while you and the casualty are wearing full gear. Poke each other with needles while the sand flies are
biting, too. Pray you never have to use these skills as you go out on
convoy the next day.

No deposit, no return.......
And for those who would like an exposure to the same medical skillset withh much less risk, there is private sector training built around the same TC3 model.:eek:

Where in KVile? I've probably got 3 or 4 folks here who would sign up. How many people do you expect to show and how many is the class limited to?

KVile, TN
Class location is SW Knoxville around Pellissippi Parkway & Topside Road...a private range. I should have hotel info and physical address shortly.

Class size is limited to a dozen for the AK class. We are able to have an increased class size for the med class due to having multiple instructors available.

sure wish there was an ak course offered in my neck of the woods. i've taken carbine courses and i know the basic manual of arms for the ak (i've got two) but i've never taken a formal course with one. the differences between the kalashnikov design and the stoner design are enough that a class focused on the ak would be pretty useful. maybe i can talk a local instructor into giving one.
I know of 3 that will sign for the class right away. I know of the range.

Why the "pistol ammo" wrt the Ak class?

Where are you located? I've got a few road classes on the schedule and can always go where there's an interest.


Pistol ammo to work transition skills. I view the rifle as an add-on to the pistol that most of us carry and want to make sure that those who use both have at least some exposure to make the transition between systems. I use a variation on the MidSouth Meltdown for that.

OK, Paul, I'm in for the AK course. Of course, with hso and his buddies coming along, you might want to budget for some of that nice Israeli whole-body armor for use by instructors... :D
with hso and his buddies coming along, you might want to budget for some of that nice Israeli whole-body armor for use by instructors


Paul's as safe as houses with Stumpy, Lefty, Sqint and Grace coming along. (safe as crack houses, that is)

I'm wounded. (or may be)
For those attending, please drop me an email with your boardname and actual name along with which classes you are interested in. It'll help me match up desposits with persons.:eek:


Mr. Gomez,

Where is this range? I lived right off of Topside for awhile, but I don't remember any range around there. I'm only about 10 minutes away, now.

Just curious.
The AK class is geared towards developing core skills with the platform. As such, there are no real prereqs. A familiarity with guns is always a plus, but I think this class serves anyone who wants to learn about the AK.
Emails should have gone out to all of the attendees. If you have not gotten the needed information, please contact me at PaulEGomez at Gmail DOT com.

Due to popular demand, I have scheduled a second Urban AK class on Monday 10 April.
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