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Alabama police chiefs call for CA style ban on SKS

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StopTheGrays, yes they can be converted to fullauto, like any other semi-auto. I know one country has one with a selector switch and AK mags floating around.

I personally used my SKS for deer hunting a few years back before I go my bolt rifle. Works just as well as a 30-30 as far as I'm concerned.
Wilson, however, said: "They are not good for hunting, and people can make that argument all they want to and it's wrong, because I used to own one. All they are are assault rifles."
He's so lucky. Being a cop and all, that cop-killer could have sneaked out of his closet in the middle of the night and shot him while he slept. It's good he got rid of it.

I'm sick of some of the cops and most of the politicians whining that they're outgunned. Hey, you can buy at least what we can, even more... BUY BIGGER GUNS!
Class assignment: Resolve these statements...

"Chiefs call for ban on rifle used in Birmingham officers' deaths"


"Cops don't make laws, they just enforce them."

MY shot: While police are entitled to their opinions, just as anyone else, they often use their position to lobby for creation of new law. Should we hold them accountable (at least in the court of public opinion), when their actions are arguably counterproductive/unconstitutional, or just feign amnesia?
That could change soon. A federal bill that would make permanent the ban, which ends later this year, also would broaden the definition of "assault weapon" to include the SKS, Bushmaster and similar models.
Don't writers bother with checking facts first anymore? AFAIK, the extension would NOT be permanent and would NOT include 'Bushmasters' (AR15s).

I guess 'Bushmaster' is the new 'AK-47' type buzzword after those two idiots in the DC area.

If they want them to be less concealable just pass a law that says you have to extend the bayonet on it. I wouldn't be putting that down my pants.
"It's a military weapon all day long," Montgomery police Chief John Wilson said Monday of the SKS, a semiautomatic rifle whose rounds can penetrate the protective vests worn by most police officers. "That's all it is, and it needs to be used for nothing more than that."

So I guess he will be having his PD divest itself of all such evil military weapons?
I had a Yugo SKS (until fathers day... pops had been wanting it for a while).

With that weight and size, I'm wondering where people are getting holsters to conceal them like that sheriff said..??..

I've yet to see a holster advertised for an SKS:neener:
The plan is simple. If you can't get rid of the guns all at once. You do it one model at a time. Right now, they're focusing on the SKS. Later it well be something else. In a few years, we won't have any guns, so CCW will be useless.

If they get their way, that is.

Even the lightest vest is supposed to be able to stop .22 and .25 handgun bullets, right? What's the point of wearing a vest if it can't do that? BB gun protection?
It is my understanding that level I, II, and III vests cannot stop a rifle round, even a .22 LR. This is entirely due to the high velocity of a rifle round. By contrast, a handgun round has much lower velocity, and most vests can stop a handgun round.

BTW: I got this information from “Boston’s Gun Bibleâ€, and am only paraphrasing what Boston said.
The larger question that these so-called "authorities" never seem to ask (or answer) is: After ALL private firearms ownership is outlawed, what prevents criminals from possessing firearms?
By this reasoning we should ban all baseball bats.

After all they are used in the commision of violent crimes. A considerable number of people have been killed or seriously injured by someone using a baseball bat.

If sport and recreational shooting isn't a good reason not to ban guns, then why is baseball different?

There are millions of "assault rifles" owned in the US. Only a very small fraction of a percent of those guns are used in crimes.

There are millions of baseball bats owned in the US. Only a very small fraction of a percent of them are used in crimes.

Why are the guns considered evil, while the baseball bat is just a piece of sporting equipment?

People have watched too many movies and listened to too much sensational media blathering. Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking that we can stop violent crime by simply outlawing different types of weapons.

It hasn't worked in England. It hasn't worked in Austrailia. It just disarms the law abiding people and prevents them from being able to defend themselves.

Where did we go wrong that so few people appear to be able to think things through logically and form opinions based on facts rather than just adopting the adgenda of the nightly news or what they read in the newspaper?
The plan is simple. If you can't get rid of the guns all at once. You do it one model at a time. Right now, they're focusing on the SKS. Later it well be something else. In a few years, we won't have any guns, so CCW will be useless.

...said Monday of the SKS, a semiautomatic rifle whose rounds can penetrate the protective vests worn by most police officers.

Simply replace orange text with....

a)a lever-action

b)a bolt action

c)a single shot

...and you can ban everybodies rifle
Hmmm... I live in Kali and last time I checked my 2 SKS rifles never shot any cops nor are they illegal here in Kali. When are we gonna start hearing from pro-gun police chiefs?

This is becoming a problem. We keep hearing from the anti gun police chiefs in the media, but seldom do we hear from one who says "Bunk! That's nonsense". Are they that worried about their jobs and getting fired?

Also, if you notice, most of these chiefs and Sr. LEO who are for AWB's, tend to come from larger cities and their suburbs. You'll also notice that most larger cities turn up blue in the red vs. blue maps (conservative vs. liberal).
Simply replace orange text with....

Need to add:

d. Toy bow and arrow set.

Several years ago, I watched a demonstration where the instructor bought one of the toy bow and arrow sets (with the rubber stopper on the arrow tip). He popped off the rubber suction cup, whittled the end into a point with his pocket knife and using the toy bow, shot it into a vest. About 8" of the shaft penetrated the vest.
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