Aliens Among Us- invasion short story

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Mar 21, 2007
People's Republic of California
Felt like knocking out some little short story with a heavy gun theme, here's the beginning. Hopefully no one will get upset with the non-PC nature of it, if it is an issue just remove/lock it.


Marcus shifted his weight around as he tried to get comfortable on his leather couch. It seemed like a good idea when he bought it, a reasonably sophisticated looking couch; something that didn't come off as a cheesy bachelor pad addition, but definitely not something chosen for comfort, a decision he regretted every time he sat down on it. After struggling for too long he settled down and turned on the TV. Flipping past commercials and bad sitcoms, he hesitated for a moment as he flipped past a news channel, the reporter seemed anxious.

"..we repeat that America is under atta..."

He continued flipping but after a moment that line sunk in. "No, that can't be right", he spoke aloud, as he flipped back down to the news channel; the broadcast continued as Marcus leaned forward.

"At ten o'clock this morning pacific time, the Mexican Army launched a surprise attack on San Diego and the Camp Pendleton military base in Southern California. A small yield nuclear weapon was detonated in the air over the military base, completely wiping it out and crippling our military response to the attack on San Diego. For those of you just now joining us I repeat, America is under attack and we are in a de facto state of war with Mexico..."

As memories of September 11th came flooding into his thoughts, the sound of the TV faded away. As though he was slowly lowering his head underwater, the sounds of everything around him got quieter and quieter. He stared at the floor, trying to grab hold of himself and reality. In the distance Marcus heard a faint ringing as if it were far away, like a phone muffled by a pillow. Slowly his focus shifted from his memories and the floor, he lifted his head and looked over into the next room towards the source of the gentle ring. It seemed to get louder and louder until he realized it was his phone. He snapped out of his daze and with an unexpected sense of urgency he found himself clambering over the arm of his couch and dashing into the next room to answer the phone. He grabbed it with so much force he nearly broke the wall mount and answered.

"Yes, hello?" he blurted out, just slightly out of breath.

"Marcus, it's Jane, are you watching the news right now? Can you believe this is happening?"

"Actually no, it seems unreal, I just started watching did they say anything about what our military is doing?"

"Yes, they're deploying National Guard and Army there, but since the majority of both forces are in the Middle East they don't have enough troops to handle a full on assault like this. They're sending in new recruits as well."

"Oh my God, how can this be happening? I don't understand how we ..."

Marcus was cut off by the loud sound of fast machine gun fire coming from right out front of his house. He could hear the cracking sounds of the ammunition and the distinct sound of a car being shot, "whump, whump, whump" followed by the crashing sound of a window be blown out. The gunfire continued, "crack, crack, crack." There was a lot of shouting, but he couldn't quite make out what was being said over the gunfire. Then there was a brief silence broken only by a man screaming in agony. Marcus intently continued to listen though there was nothing but silence, when suddenly it was broken by loud shouting in Spanish. The man's screams of pain turned into a wailing sound, it sounded like he was saying something but Marcus wasn't quite sure what it was, it might have been begging. Frozen in place intensely listening, he was trying to piece together the scene outside based on what he could hear. There was another long pause as the man moaned and then the crack of a single gunshot, followed by a deafening silence. Jane was frantically yelling into the phone,

"Marcus, what is happening? What the f_ck is going on over there?"

He held the phone to his chest, as though those outside could hear her through the phone.
Good writing.
Short story? Okay then, I was about to say it got off too soon.
Though I really want to know your rationale for why the Mexicans are invading.
Couple of counter-points:
a): The Mexicans know that, not only is the US Military, even as preoccupied as we are, far in excess of theirs, but that armed Americans are a force to be reckoned with as well.
b): How is it possible that the Mexicans could take out all of the defenses on the Southern border with only one nuclear weapon?
c): I know the Mexicans don't like us, but why would they attack us?

Anyway, if you can negotiate those points (and more), you're on solid ground. Fiction is fiction, but you have to be believable.
Gracias :)

Actually, I was planning on writing the story out of order, so you're actually reading the beginning of the middle. Kinda like when you go see a movie and it opens with some crazy action scene, then describes the buildup to it, like Swordfish. If I was going to write something longer I prefer Heat style, but for a little short I didn't want to get carried away with character build up and getting too overly descriptive of surroundings.

On the more important points, a,b,c) I don't want to give away the story before it is written, that and I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with it I just started typing, but I'll have something semi-logical hopefully. :)

edit: I stepped away from the keyboard for a bit and I thought of a really cool plot idea.
Couple of counter-points:
a): The Mexicans know that, not only is the US Military, even as preoccupied as we are, far in excess of theirs, but that armed Americans are a force to be reckoned with as well.Thats what Japan knew to be true
b): How is it possible that the Mexicans could take out all of the defenses on the Southern border with only one nuclear weapon?They could not .
c): I know the Mexicans don't like us, but why would they attack us?LA RAZA , AZTLAN , look into them !!!
Lame. Lame. Lame.

I hate reading these things. They are so awesome I feel like a kid that's been given one lick of a popsicle. When the popsicle is taken away I just want to cry. Lame. : )

More soon please. Nice writing!

He could hear people outside frantically speaking in Spanish, it sounded like they were arguing over something. Marcus whispered into the phone, "I'm going to have to call you back, don't call me Jane" and gingerly hung it back on the wall, trying to not make a sound. He could just hear her starting to protest as the receiver clicked off when he placed it on the wall mount. Marcus quietly edged closer to his front door so he could better hear what was going on outside. As he approached his front door he could hear the footfalls and the clanking of gear of many people running up and down the street.

When he moved into the house Marcus thought the same thing of his front door as he did of his couch. In a brief moment of self amusement he thought to himself how funny it is the things we sacrifice for appearance's sake. Aside from the wood border, the top half of the door was a large window with a light curtain that had a slit down the center. It allowed Marcus to see the shadow of someone at his front door, while preventing anyone outside from seeing in, but it was also worthless at stopping an intruder. As he approached the door Marcus practically tripped backwards as just when he stepped in front of the door to peer through the window, a large silhouette of a man appeared on the other side. The man on the other side tried the doorknob. Marcus stumbled backwards until his back was to the wall opposite from his door.

He knew that man was coming through the front door and he wasn't about to wait to find out why. Marcus spun around the corner and raced across his living room headed for the sliding glass door to his backyard. Just as he was sliding the door open he heard a loud crash and the sound of splintering wood as his front door was being kicked open. He turned and looked at the man that just entered his house and for just a split second they made eye contact, before he bolted into his backyard.

The intruder screamed, "ALTO! ALTO!"

Marcus heard him yelling as he ran out the door and across his yard straight for the fence that separated his yard from one of the town's many creeks. He didn't look back as he clambered over the fence and dropped down the other side, running as fast as he could down the jogging path. As he ran he heard a woman frantically screaming followed by a burst of automatic gunfire and then silence. He kept running, not looking back, his legs burning as they built up lactic acid, the distant sounds of screams and gunfire echoing through the air. His lungs were on fire, but he kept running until he heard nothing but his own breathing.

Marcus looked around, he had run the distance of a few blocks but he was still out in the open on the trail that paralleled the creek. Deciding cover would be a good idea he worked his way down the bank closer to the water's edge where there were trees and foliage to hide beneath, his feet slipping in the soft mud, he cursed his shoe selection for the day. He tried to quiet his breathing so he could concentrate on listening to his surroundings. He heard what sounded like helicopters in the distance approaching, "thump, thump, thump, thump" the blades made as they cut through the air while flying overheard. Marcus peered out from the tree cover and counted four as they flew by in rapid succession.
I like the story.

But if he could not defend himself in his own home then running outside, into gunfire, would be suicide.
gitarmac: I respectfully disagree. In our area we have many homes that back up to irrigation canals. Sans being able to defend oneself, hopping the fence and slipping away along the canal is akin to sneaky through an alley way in a big city.

Better to chance the canal then to stay in the home and get shot for certain.

Interesting story.

Camp Pendleton is not in San Diego, it's in Oceanside and is about 60 miles from the border. 60 miles is a pretty short distance, but I'm sure our military and air traffic control here has radar and wont be tolerating rogue planes from Mexico flying uncontested. Jets could be scrambled from Miramar or NAS North Island to intercept air threats in the San Diego area.
Yeah - I'm hooked already. If you're too worried about being totally belivable - check out a Dirk Pitt novel sometime - He's like superman and Jame's bond rolled into one.
Pretty interesting! I love everything about this genre: being thrown suddenly into a situation with no preparation/equipment, depending on wit and quick thinking for survival, and future-fiction (you know, opposite of historical fiction). I just bought Children of Men, so I guess I'm in that mood.

Hope to read more.
Do you guys like SHTF stories about orcs invading from another dimension? (Well, it's actually a story about a true alien invasion.) I've been toying with a novel along those lines but I don't want to post any of it until it's finished.
The Mexican Army is invading?:D:D

They already have a possible several million living here now . :scrutiny:

I hope this doesn't "end" like the 2 recent zombie threads . :rolleyes:

Please continue :cool:
I agree with everyone. Your writing has got me hooked as well. I want to see where this goes.
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