All around defense and tactics camps

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Sep 16, 2004

I saw this website online and it just seemed like everything I have been trying to do rolled up into one organized session. I have been studying martial arts since I was little and for the last 3 years I have been really into survival and firearms. The only problem is, that I live in NJ.

So I was wondering, if anyone has heard of any of these organized groups in the continental US. Its hard enough to find a sparring partner let alone a group that would teach survival, defense, and tactics.

I was also wondering if anyone has had any experience with these type of camps before. If they are a rip off, if I could get better training somewhere else etc etc.

If anyone has any info, I would appreciate it. If you dont have info, well thats ok too....I guess :neener:

I've not participated in a camp run by Vladimir Vasiliev, but I know who he is. A close friend of mine has been to two of his camps, and the reviews are top shelf. I've taken Systema, as well as many other disciplines. Of all the MA I've studied (TKD, JKD, Kenpo, Karate, jiu jitsu, etc) I would only recommend Systema for healthy adult males. If you don't meet those three criteria, you'll probably just get hurt. Krav Maga for all others. Systema is training for hand-to-hand combat, it's not a 'workout'. Take plenty of IcyHot, but I doubt you'll be disappointed.
ya, krav maga was nice, but it was just conditioning and aerobics. Id like to look into some systema schools around me, but money is an issue. Thanks for the advice.
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