All-Out WAR?

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The Dems are looking at hard times in the mid term elections IMO and beyond. It's the Republican's game to goober up.

I'm not saying there aren't core controllers in the Republican party but the core leadership in the Dem party is so locked down with their left of left liberalism I don't see a sea change in their future. The Republican have enough diversity to sell well in a lot of markets.
As long as Dem core ideology is static their goose is cooked for retaking Congress and the WH. People in the US may have moved left since RR but not that far.

I want a Gov. that stays out of the lives of the people, and lets them be… so long as the people don’t infringe on the rights of others.
Sounds Libertarian. Perhaps you should look them up.
I really don't have a party affiliation, but I have been leaning towards republican in the last few years, simply because of RKBA. I really don't know where I stand politically, party wise anyway.
cyanide 357 said
I am not real religious, I believe in a higher power, with a Christian stance, but don't take 'religion' too seriously. I am pro-choice, only because I don't believe in preventing people from doing something that I should have no say in, because I don't feel it's right. Everything should be an individual's choice, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

I have no problem with immigrants, but I do have a problem with illegals. I don’t really care if “In god we trust†is on our currency, or where ever else “god†is written. If you believe, believe, else, don’t and shut up and leave it be.

I want a Gov. that stays out of the lives of the people, and lets them be… so long as the people don’t infringe on the rights of others.

This is exactly I feel. However i couldnt vote for Bush even though I didnt want to vote for Kerry. I also agree Roy Moore is a camera clown.

The Dems are looking at hard times in the mid term elections IMO and beyond.

Think your wrong here. I believe the Democrats are going to take the house and senate. Precisely because GWB is screwing things up bad. And its only going to get worse. Plus you will see a lot of republican infighing this term. Think Reagans second term.

You may be right but W only needs a few wins and all the Republicans look good, even the ones trying to get elected. His chances of getting a win with SS are greatest early in term two. If he can pull any of our troops out or Iraq before the mid terms the party looks good. There may be other potential options I don't know about. If he simply shows he can "have his way" with appointments and demonstrate he can mobilize the Rebs in congress to get what he wants it creates a defensive mind set with the Dems and their voters.

Meanwhile the Republicans running out in flyover country coattail just enough to get some help. Infighting could be a negative but to the extent that goes on it will be drowned out by the constant negatives of Boxer, Kennedy and Clinton which will turn the voters off after two years of constant sour grapes.

He could hurt himself and the party if he pulls the trigger on amnesty before the mid term.

Government doesn't solve problems: it merely redistributes blame and squanders tax dollars going through the motions of talking about problems. There's no hope for representatives of the Democratic (sic) party.

This is an unfair generalization. The government has solved many problems over the years. It has created quite a few others and made some worse.

What the nation needs are five or six fiercely competitive, clearly defined political parties to take the place of the Democan and Republicrat parties.

I guess the grass is always greener but a look at countries that do have multiple parties is not encouraging. I am most familiar with Israel and its 27 different parties, each with the narrowest focus on its own particular turf. It's not a good situation and the country would be far worse off with it.
Worse than Israel, Italy at one time had something like 54 political affiliations. This led to the adage that, "A coalition can win elections, but it cannot govern."

Coalitions can work together in something like an election, but thereafter their own competing interests cause a splintering and little or nothing of substance gets accomplished.

Which, of course, might not be all that bad an idea...

:), Art
Worse than Israel, Italy at one time had something like 54 political affiliations. This led to the adage that, "A coalition can win elections, but it cannot govern."

And both countries have governments that typically last like 18 months or something. It is hard to gain any continuity like that.
The Founders of course were aware of parties from their experience in Britain. I wonder what they felt and whether their design of the Constitution was partly to forestall the plethora of small parties.
It's the Republican's game to goober up.
And I trust they'll do that. Just look at the explosive orgy of spending the GOP - dominated Congress has engaged in during W's tenure.

Where are the fiscal conservatives who tried to rein in Clinton's spending?

Where are the deficit hawks?

Where's the spirit that gave us the "Contract with America" a decade ago?

There really IS a reason the GOP is called "The Stupid Party" . . . it's because they work SO HARD to earn the title.
Like Michael Savage, the radio talk show host said recently, the Democratic party has managed to implement or manage major social issues such as Social Security, the Depression recovery programs, winning WWII, civil rights and so on. They have nothing anymore to rally around accept silly stuff like gay marriage, or gun control, which they discovered is a loser.

The Democratic party needs a Big Idea or Issue.
The Democrat Party has been hijacked by the radical foaming-at-the-mouth marxists from hell. They won't be viable again until they cut those lunatics loose.
I want a constitutional amendment requiring every federal law to sunset after 5 or 10 years. That would keep Congress busy enough renewing important laws that they wouldn't have time for the silly, meaningless posturing that they now spend their time on.
The parties themselves are the problem. They're so busy trying to squeeze all problems into left/right dichotomies and fighting turf battles that there's not much room left over for reasonable debate.

"You're either with us, or against us." There's a whole spectrum of possibilities out there on any given issue but apparently we have difficulty in operating in something other than an us/them mode.

I'm voting libertarian until there's some variety in our representatives. I'm tired of deciding between Pepsi and Coke.
I also agree Roy Moore is a camera clown.

He will run for Governor of AL next race, mark my words. If Tim James doesn't run, he will prolly also get he GOP nomination. As much as I hate to say it, I think it will be Moore vs. Lucy Baxley (Democrat), and I am not sure Moore won't take the race. I was born in AL and lived there until last year. I love AL with my whole heart, it is a very beautiful place, and a nice place to live, but there are a lot of religious nuts in AL, for whom constitutional law is just a little over their heads. If it ain't the Almighty abortion/gay hating, blood drinking God, they don't want it, thanks. They want to use state money to praise Robert's Yaweh 6 times a week and twice on Sunday. You are going straight to He-ull if you don't do the same, and they will make your life miseralbe until then if at all possible. The only place I have ever been as backwards as AL is Utah, and at least there they aren't violent about it.

disproved notions that abortion is murder

Disproved? Explain please.

I'd be happy to, but for some reason I think its kinda opening a can of worms. Human fetuses do not have brainwaves like born-babies until a few days or sometimes even hours before birth. The nutjob right (Ralph Reed, Falwell, Roberts, Dobson, their lackeys, etc.) has put out tons and tons of feelings based BS about abortion (you know, the tactic that the right likes to chastise the left for :"Liberals base things on how it makes them feel." How many times have you heard that BS?) To say that a 6 (or 12 or 20) week old fetus is a baby is just hogwash. To say that it somehow has constitutional rights is a further stretch still. To impede a tax paying citizen mother's rights so to protect those of a "potential human" seems like a very Un-Libertarian thing to do. I, if I must err, choose to err on the side of liberty.

If you are prepared to start declaring every fetus concieved or vacationing in the United States (sounds like it could be hard to prove, disprove) a citizen, then we can start extending constitutional rights to fetuses. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me though.
The reason that even rational discussion of abortion is strongly discouraged here is that invariably someone with strong religious convictions feels obligated to post and sooner or later it all degenerates into a flame war and we all know what that means.

From the first days of The Firing Line and on through these days at THR, it's a no-exceptions problem.

I don't like problems. My Grammaw doesn't like problems.

That's why Oleg gave me my very own Delete key.

:), Art
This led to the adage that, "A coalition can win elections, but it cannot govern."

You say that like it's a bad thing... :confused:

If we have one problem in this fair land, it's that there's entirely too much governing going on. Governing should at least be a Class D Misdemeanor. ;)
yeah, like I said, opening a can of worms. I didn't know it was discouraged, but I will remember that it is, and do my best to keep my mouth shut. Sounds like your Grammaw has an wise policy on problems. :)
The Dems used to be the workers' party, and the Repubs were the capitalists party. Now both parties are catering to the capitalists and sucking the workers dry. I used to be very anti-union, but the more I see the government participate in sending decent jobs to other countries while encouraging illegal aliens to come here and take whatever jobs are left, the more I think it's time for a union resurgence. Seems to me if the Dems want to find a talking point, stemming illegal immigration and preserving American jobs for American workers might be a starting point.
The Dems have been doing that for some time. It is called protectionism. And it doesnt work. The US is a net importer of jobs from overseas. Capitalism is the system of freedom. And freedom means the free movement of capital, goods and labor from one place to another.
Hawkmoon, should China not outsource food by buying soybeans from us, thus sending farming jobs to the U.S.?

"Government" doesn't send jobs anywhere. Profitability does. No profit = no jobs at all, since the boss done gone broke.

I don't see full employment in buggy whip factories. I don't see much demand for linotype operators, either.

Everybody talks about how the world changes, while assuming that the changes will kick somebody else's butt.

Farming jobs won't come to the US. They will go to S. American, chiefly Brazil, where farmers buy Monsanto and DuPont chemicals and seed (like Roundup Ready soybeans) for a fraction of what those comapanies sell to American farmers for. My dad was a R&D grower for RR soybeans, little did he know he was putting himself and the other American farmers out of business. Now we grow turfgrass for new homes, cause they are covering up all the farmland in the US.
You can't depend solely on imports for food, what will you do when no one is selling? Unfortunately that is what we are doing now. I hope I'm dead of old age (or something else) before something terrible happens and no one has extra food to export, and weeither go to war to bring home food, or all starve.
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