Almost lost my gun rights

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Aug 11, 2005
Elbert County, CO
I'll just start by reiterating what many know here, myself included, but what recently became a harsh reality for me. That is that you cannot be too careful when it comes to fighting with your significant other.

This is gonna be the cliff notes version, since the incident itself is hardly gun related, but needs to be stated to illustrate how fragile the situation can be.

Wednesday night the girlfriend and I had it out over finances, and she became very upset when I refused to give her control of mine. I keep my cool pretty well, and never actually got to the point of screaming, but I was definitely upset. At one point in the argument, she grabbed my hand to get my attention. She was sitting on the futon in the spare room, I was in the rolling office chair facing her. I yelled for her to let go and it went ignored, so I pulled back. She was holding on so tightly that she came off the couch and landed on the floor butt first. She got back up and the verbal conflict continued awhile, and finally she left the house.

Well, before she left, she took ALL of my vehicle titles (9 of them). When she wouldn't respond to my texts about it, I finally had to call the sheriff to figure out what my options were. I wasn't gonna risk her forging my signature and selling my cars out from under me. The Deputy finally got hold of her and confirmed that she had them. Good, now it's on the record, right? wrong. I could still lose big and spend months in civil court if she did do what I feared. So the next day, I leave work to go to the DMV to get new titles, but they can't find one in the system. I come home to get the VIN off that car, and she's here. Fortunately, so was a deputy, so I knew it wouldn't get out of hand. Now, when she had left, I told her when she came back for her stuff, she needed to bring an officer to keep the peace, because she just can't be civil. However, it turns out this was more than just a civl assist. She had got angry that I called the sheriff about the vehicle titles and decided to retaliate by telling them I had grabbed her wrists and thrown her to the ground. She also told them that I was extremely hostile and armed to the teeth, so the officer was rather stand-offish with me at first. She soon left and he talked to me, quickly figured out there was no threat, got my side of the story and decided that no crime had taken place. But he also advised me how volatile the situation was, which I knew all too well. It seemed like things were done.

Enter the next day. I went to work as usual, but about 1 pm I got a call from her father that a wrecker was en route for her broken car (she had been using one of mine) and asked me how we could move my truck that was in front of her vehicle. I had the only set of keys for the truck, an told him I'd be there ASAP to move it. I then called a friend who was more than willing to be a witness in case things got out of hand. I got there, moved the vehicles and was waiting for them to finish so I could put cars back in the drive. My friend and his wife had their daughter with them, and she was cold, so I said let's stand in the living room for now. Well, the ex came into the room and began screaming at me. Her father told her to cease, and my friends and I decided to just bear the cold to avoid conflict. However, I talked to her father and mentioned that the KT P32 I had loaned her for protection was unaccounted for, and needed to be. She told him she had no idea where it was, so I'm thinking "great, it was stolen out of the car".

But to get to the point of the second day, in her fit that I would dare be at the house while she was rummaging through it, she called the sheriff and told them I was Irate, I was making threats, I wouldn't let her leave and that I was armed. 4 cars show up, full code. I'm ordered over and the officer pats me down, asks me about weapons (my CCW was in the car) and then the officers begin interviewing everyone to get the full story. Fortunately, my friend had the foresight to bring a digital voice recorder, and the officers listened to what really happened vs. what the ex had told them. They told her to gather her things quickly and leave. I mentioned to one deputy that I was missing a firearm, and he asked her about it, to which he got the same answer (I don't know). I told him I'd look for it and if I couldn't find it, I'd be down later to file a missing firearm report. Everyone left, and I began searching the house to A) look for the gun and B) make sure she hadn't tolen or damaged anything. Low and behold, the pistol had miraculously appeared in my dresser drawer. About 20 minutes later, I get a call from her father saying that she owned up to having had it and placed it there. Seems that she realized taking it would not be wise.

So, the point of my little diatribe is that it can be so easy to be charged with domestic violence and lose your rights. I am not a violent person. I've been in one fistfight my whole life when I was in the ninth grade. I have never even threatened to hit a woman. But none of that would have mattered if the officer had believed her lies, and I would have been arrested and had all my firearms taken forever. And if I hadn't been so cautious the next day when I returned to move the vehicle, if I had hadn't had both human and electronic witnesses, It would've been my word against hers and her parents, and again, I probably would have been arrested and had guns confiscated. It is by the grace of god that, because of my savvy friend, the local LEO's now know that she cries wolf with the intention of getting me in handcuffs.

So, be careful, guys and gals. I am very mellow and not at all violent, always trying to diffuse a volatile situation, and I still could very easily have wound up in big, big trouble if the other party had been a better liar and if I hadn't been able to prove the truth.
Has she been charged with filing false reports yet

Not as far as I know, and I have no intention of pushing for it. The situation was ugly enough as is. The Sheriff's office out here is very pragmatic, and are more interested in simply seeing a situation get resolved peacefully than in throwing everybody in jail, which tends to exacerbate hostility between parties. Ergo, I wouldn't think they'll pursue anything in that respect. That said, I'm sure they told her to knock it off.

I'm a bit embarrassed that all my neighbors had to witness this fiasco, though. Things are usually very quiet around here, except for the occasional shot or two to dispatch skunks and the like :p .
I've had 2 relatives and a friend charged with BS domestic assault charges. If you're a male you are automaticaly guilty unless you have witnesses or other proof.
Opposite thing with me in 1993. Second wife turned out to be a mean drunk after we got married. (She had her own shotgun and a .22 revolver.) One night she started really getting violent, I called the cops, they wanted to know if I wanted her arrested or just committed to the Alcohol Recovery Center (ARC).

I opted for the ARC for a five day treatment. The next day when I went to visit she was still half-potted and ticked at me because if I'd had her arrested instead, "I'd be out by now instead of stuck here for five days." Waaalllll, guess what made me decide not to release her?

We split the blanket right after that.

We ran into each other from time to time after that until she passed away in 2007. You think she ever thanked me for not having her busted on a DV charge?


I'm such a good guy.

I still remember one of the Officers asking what she was doing, lying half-passed out on the floor with half a bottle of Tequila in her hand.

"Jes' havin' a little drinkie, officer," she slurred, and waved the bottle around as if to offer him some.

Tell ya the truth, I've had enough "adventures" with women and booze for one lifetime.

As Bill Jordan once said, "An adventure is what you're having when you wish you were somewhere else not having it." (A paraquote.)

Terry, 230RN
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I had an ex try to abuse the system and file false charges etc against me. It all got tossed out & the judge literally rolled his eyes at her. I don't know why I don't just give up & stay single forever. I still date (not her obviously) lol.
1. Been there, done that - thought not to such a serious degree. Glad you got away clean (this time) and here's hoping she's not the persistent type. Her dad sounds like a stand-up guy, at least.

2. Buy your buddy a beer, and take the family out to dinner. Them being there, and him being ready with the recorder saved your bacon for sure.
At least you weren't married to her. I can tell you from experience that you don't really know someone until you divorce them.

She tried to take out a protection order against me, first by telling a bunch of lies to the court, then by getting my kids to write statements about how they were afraid of me and I was abusive. Luckily she was turned down both times, it would have meant turning in all of my guns for the duration of the order and would have affected my employment as a LEO.

17 years of marriage and I never really knew her.
Wanted control of your finances and took the titles to all your vehicles....sounds like a major control freak nutjob.

PS, You owe the friends with the recorder a steak dinner, because without that, they probably would have automatically taken her word over yours and jammed you up.
Had that happen when I didn't own any firearms. I have never seen anyone go from normal to ballistic death mode faster than my ex-girlfriend. She start hitting me in the face, apparently I deserved it for being such a terrible person, and I pushed her away palm to sternum. I pushed her lightly and she moved back maybe six inches. She called the police and I said I hit her. When they came and saw I had marks from her hitting me while she had none, they talked to her and then made her leave.

As an interesting side note, I saw her dad at the mall about a month later where he proceeded to kick me in the leg and then run away. Scary to think I thought at one point I would be marrying into this family.

Glad it worked out for you in that you did not get in any trouble. My new way of conflict resolution is too let them yell and scream until they get tired. The rational discussion usually comes around 24 hours later.
As a LEO I see a lot of people, usually women, call wolf. Many times they take the "he watches child porn" or something along the lines of being a pervert.

But the look on their faces when I say "So you have lived with this child porn addict/pedophile for years and didnt do anything about it? You're just as guilty as he is."

Usually after that the BS goes down a notch.
But the look on their faces when I say "So you have lived with this child porn addict/pedophile for years and didnt do anything about it? You're just as guilty as he is."

Usually after that the BS goes down a notch.
:) Ha, that's good.
Glad it worked out and that you had the foresight to bring a good witness. There is a lesson there. What did she think she was going to do with the car titles - and what happened to them?
Wow I have never been more thankfull for the good woman I call my wife.

Choose carefully fellas.
If I get your story right, she was PACKING the little Kel-Tec .32 while she was running around in front of the officer at the scene? If she didn't have a CCW license, then she was probably committing a crime that they should know about. If she put it back discretely, she must have had it concealed on her person.
A friend of the wifes came over one night for drinks. After a few the wife and I turned in for the night and the friend said she was going to pass out on the couch. Somewhere around 2am I wake up to the bedroom door being thrown open, I barely had time to sit up and open my eyes before her cell phone hit me right between the eyes. Turns out the friend doesn't know when to quit drinking. I get up and assess the situation. She is barefoot and her feet are bleeding. At some point she dropped a glass on the kitchen floor and instead of cleaning it up she just continued to walk through it. She is very "agitated" and is calling her boyfriend to come and pick her up. He's not interested and she tells him "I'm being raped". Lets say my jaw dropped a little bit. I called the cops, just figured it would be better if they heard the sober side first. They showed up and after a few questions hauled her off. The cops said I did the right thing, it's not common for a rapist to call the cops...

Glad things worked out for you.
Glad to hear it panned out for you

I had a similar situation when I was 19. I was dating this girl, and let me tell you, she was hot but she was crazy. We got in a bit of a fight in a parking lot of gas station because she thought I was interested in her friend. She ended up spitting in my face, and let me tell you, if there was ever a time I was going to lay my hand on a woman, that would have been it. I kept my cool and kept the argument verbal (very loud, but verbal) The only time I touched her was when I grabbed her hand to try and get her in the car, she wasn't interested.

Come to find out, her Spanish teacher was watching this whole ordeal go down and called the cops. By this time we have both calmed down and are pulling out of the gas station when I cop car comes flying up in front of me and he gets out with his gun drawn. I proceeded to poop my pants and get out of the truck. I got my head slammed on the hood of the truck, handcuffed and treated like a killed someone. We told the officer we made-up and I was bringing her home so we both could cool off. He understood the situation and let us go.

Thats all I needed, that on my record at 19.
"Domestic violence", misdemeanor convictions, and Lautenberg are NO JOKE - very serious business and an clever 'end around' the 2nd Amendment and gun rights by the liberal left.

Let this be a lesson to everyone to write their congressmen and women to end Lautenberg. There has been talk of extending it to ANY assault!!! Not just domestic, but any assault!!! Insane!
Boy, I'm glad I haven't had any problems like this; I've known my girl for nearly half of my life and she's turned out to be a good one.

I guess to keep this gun related she got horribly upset with me when we were headed out to dinner and she was gonna put something in my glove compartment and my old revolver plopped into her lap. She wasn't too into guns then (still really isn't but things are getting a bit better) and the look on her face could've curdled milk. Had to make up for that later on.
Wow way to keep your cool man, good stuff. It pays to be the good guy, and it sounds like you are far better off. Buy more weapons ;)
I have had a few experiences with women, cops, and guns. My sister in law is a totally pathological liar AND is anti gun/anti male to the max. She LOOKS for reasons to call her preferred husband (i.e. government). In my experience, when a woman picks up the phone to call the cops during an argument (as opposed to if she was ACTUALLY being victimized), she lies 100% of the time. They use the phone as a weapon. This is why guys will frequently take the phone from them, but now, all sorts of laws punish the guy for doing that. One time a female relative threw a large object at me, and I decided to call the police. She gets on the other phone and in full throated dramatic B.S. says "He's got a gun!" At the time, I only had a bb gun and she knew it. So when it became convenient, a bb gun essentially became a full auto grenade launcher to her.
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