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Jul 18, 2007
Charleston, WV
Supreme Court Decides Historic Second Amendment Case
With Your Help, Brady Center Will Defend America’s Gun Laws

Brady Gun Law Defense Fund [image]

Just hours ago, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its ruling on the most significant Second Amendment case in our country's history, District of Columbia v. Heller.

I want you to know that we have hit the ground running. Our fight to enact and defend strong gun laws to save lives will be undiminished.

The Heller decision will no doubt embolden ideological extremists to file new legal attacks on existing gun laws. But with the help of the Brady Center’s legal team, those attacks can, and must, be successfully resisted in the interest of public safety.

That is why we need your help now. This fight is so critical that we need to raise $50,000 by June 30. Your gift to our Brady Gun Law Defense Fund will be fully tax-deductible!

We also have an opportunity and we plan to seize it.

We disagree with the Court’s decision giving individuals a right to possess guns for private purpose. However, what is critically important is that all nine Justices agreed that a wide variety of gun laws are constitutional, including restrictions on carrying concealed weapons, guns in schools and other sensitive places, and bans on "dangerous and unusual" weapons.

For years, the gun lobby has used fear of confiscation by the government to block efforts to pass sensible gun laws, arguing that even modest gun laws would lead down the path to a complete ban on gun ownership. Since the Court has overturned the District’s ban on handguns, this "slippery slope" argument is gone.

The Court also rejected the "absolutist" view of the Second Amendment that some use to argue "any gun, any time for any one."

Now, politicians will no longer have these arguments to justify opposition to universal background checks and other common sense measures to prevent dangerous people from getting dangerous weapons. As a result, gun control should no longer be a "wedge" issue in politics. We can move forward with finding sensible solutions to gun violence.

So with your help we will be ready to defend current gun laws that protect you, your family and community . . .

. . . from the long-standing machine gun ban . . . to the 1968 Gun Control Act . . . to the Brady background check law.

. . . to your local and state laws . . . like the ones in Chicago and New York . . . as well as the laws in California and New Jersey banning military-style assault weapons . . . and many more.

Your Brady Center will defend these laws in the courts as we have done so many times in the past against the attacks of the gun lobby. Please give generously today.

Sarah's Signature [image]
Sarah Brady, Chair

P.S. I cannot stress how important your gift is to our Brady Gun Law Defense Fund. Please give a tax-deductible gift today.

I actually responded to this one. The response was long, in depth, and steeped in 2nd amendment legal history. It said:

We disagree with the Court’s decision giving individuals a right to possess guns for private purpose.

Wow. I can't believe they actually admitted that. That's awesome and can be used for years to come to prove what their ultimate end game is - a complete ban on all guns. Just like the NRA has been saying for years. I believe it now, when they state it so boldly and publicly and clearly.
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