am i TWO paranoid???

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Oct 21, 2007
West Michigan
i was surfing around on craigs list this morning, and stumbled across a couple of ads for lead for sale. i started to reply to one of them, and a thought occoured to me. what a great way to find out who has guns, whether it is a would-be theif, or some kind of anti-gun organization, or even a govt agency of some kind. it wouldn't take all that much to find out where an e-mail comes from (for someone who is computer smart). get a name and address, and come after the guns. so, am i being rediculous, or just to careful?
Yes. But you are not TWO paranoid, you are TOO paranoid. How would they find out who you were or where you lived? THEY provide the address. You pay cash. Nobody needs specifics about anything else. If you are that worried about the email address, make one up registered to a fake name and address. They could still go by IP, but I suspect these type of crooks would be more interested in cyber crime rather than smash and grab.

Also, many anglers make their own sinkers and such also. Lead is not a direct correlation with gun ownership.
Open the window in the trailer and get back on your meds. Feel better? :)

Hope your " THEY" can`t crack the code for THR. :D

Ok, yes, you are "too" paranoid. By the way, people can track where you are by your IP address alone, so the jig may be up in any case. If your home is adequately protected and you're sufficiently trained in personal safety, you've done just about all you can do. Just chill out and relax...
Just strike up a conversation with the guy about how alloy lead makes great sinkers except for split shot where you want pure lead and how much you love fishing except buying all the sinkers to replace the ones you lose.
You could always just form a yahoo, gmail, etc... account and use that.

The idea that "it wouldn't take all that much to find out where an e-mail comes from (for someone who is computer smart)" is movie garbage, unless you're using your ISP's email address; i.e. [email protected]. Even then it takes a court order to get a subscriber name & address from the ISP.
Well, you just made this post, right? So if if the blue-hats are coming for you over the internet, you're already screwed.

Yep, time to tighten the chin strap on that tinfoil helmet...
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