Amazon Smile

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This is a trap.

Amazon is very anti 2A and supports (to the tune of millions) anti 2A groups and aligned causes.
This "choose your donation" approach is a very clever way of deflecting pressure by claiming they are not taking a side. But all the corporate money goes to the anti 2A crowed, and it far outweighs user selected destinations.
I avoid them whenever possible (though that is unfortunately hard these days due to the collapse of retail)
This is a trap.

Amazon is very anti 2A and supports (to the tune of millions) anti 2A groups and aligned causes.
This "choose your donation" approach is a very clever way of deflecting pressure by claiming they are not taking a side. But all the corporate money goes to the anti 2A crowed, and it far outweighs user selected destinations.
I avoid them whenever possible (though that is unfortunately hard these days due to the collapse of retail)

Me too. Avoid them as much as possible. I have my smile set up to go to Creation Ministries International.
I'm not trying to get anyone to switch, but just let people know that there are pro-gun rights organizations that can benefit from Amazon Smile since many "gun folk" just assume gun rights won't be represented in the offerings. Its a painless way to help the cause if you aren't already using and buy regularly from Amazon.
When I set it up, the (NRA-)ILA was available. It’s good to know that there are some (possibly) better options now. I should probably update mine, even though I buy very little from scAmazon (or any other retailer, for that matter).
I chose "Pets N Vets". It's a training program that trains service dogs for disabled veterans. The veteran goes to the classes with their dogs, and work together to learn how to operate as a service dog team. The dog learns it's behavior, and tasks, and the veteran learns his/her handling skills. The program is run off of donations only, and is free to the veteran. I went through the classes myself with my dog who graduated about 6 years ago. She has been working for me since, and has been a Godsend helping me with my TBI, and PTS.


Plane ride to Texas...


Rock concerts.. (.38 Special this time)

Gotta represent...

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