Ammo shipping question with UPS.

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
Not sure what's the right procedure here...

The first time I ordered ammo online delivery was attempted to my apartment and I wasn't home (never am) -- so I went and picked it up from the local UPS shipping center.

Typically when I'm not home packages are just dumped off at the office for me to retrieve later. The ammo wasn't done this way though I presume because it needs an adult signature. Does it need -my- signature though?

The last two times I've ordered ammo they've just left it at the office for me to pick up.

So, now I'm completely confused. I don't even know if it's legal for them to dump it at the office.
The ammo wasn't done this way though I presume because it needs an adult signature. Does it need -my- signature though?

I frequently have ammo shipped to a third party to hold for me, and UPS has only ever required an adult signature (not mine per se). Ultimately if may depend on how your vendor ships it; I believe they can tell UPS whether and in what way to require a signature.

Once I ordered from an online store, and unbelievably UPS just dropped off the case of ammo on the sidewalk! :eek: No signature, no nothing. Sat right there for any kid or gangbanger (which we have a lot of here) to pick up and "play" with. Fortunately it was just sitting there when I came home. I wrote a stern letter to the vendor about that.
I asked thois same question in an e-mail to an online ammo place and I was told that the "Adult Signature" has to come from somebody at THAT address. This is probably a UPS or even a FedEx rule and not from the vendor.

Shipping to your workplace or business might work if you use a regular street address and omit the company name from the address. Check with the shipping/receiving department to see if they will sign for ammo for you.

When I buy ammo online it usually comes in original shipping boxes from the ammo manufacturer. I ordered a 500-round case of Winchester 9mm and it had Winchester all over the box and a factory packing label that identified it as 9mm FMJ 115gr stuff. Of course the shipper had the big ORM-D label on it but it was very clear as to the contents.

One thing about UPS that I hate is that if they deliver something to a residential address, it is usually just dumped on the porch and the guy leaves. If they deliver to a business, the driver will not turn the delivery over without a signature. Tried that once at work. Told the UPS guy I didn't wnat to sign for it and he could just leave the package like they do at homes. The driver said he couldn't and was going to take the package back with a note that said I refused the delivery! *** is up with that??
Company policy or not I've had UPS delivered ammo just dropped off @ my doorstep w/o any sig.Even though there was a label specifically requesting one.
Now I just have it delivered to where I work.
UPS left a handgun with no signature label on it sent overnight on my door step last november. Fortunately I live in a good neighborhood. The lack of a signature label was the fault of the repair folks at CZ who forgot I guess.

The very next day they delivered a stock certificate sent by the registrar agent overnight, but they made my neighbor sign for it GO FIGURE?????

Ammo they deliver on my porch also never saw any with a signature required label on it.
I have all my shipped ammo sent to my office and the secretary signs for it. At first she was not overly happy about it but now she just calls and says you got something from UPS down here. The company policy is no guns/destructive devices (no joke) but I have approval for parts and ammo. :rolleyes:
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