an apology

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Aug 27, 2010
To those that I offended in the Weapons Engineering thread, I apologize I did not mean to put you down, I was mearly trying to defend my major against was I precieved as offensive attacks against it.
Howdy, I read your earlier thread but did not get involved in it. One thing you might consider is that many of the posters probably felt the same defensiveness you did towards your degree when you referred to Engineering as "Physics Light". I know I did, as an Engineering degree-seeker myself. Hopefully you've realized this. If not, oh well, you're still just a guy (possibly gal) on teh intarwebz.

You might also consider that even working as a Physicist/Engineer/Weaponsguy/Whatever, you still have to deal with people. And they don't like it when you tell them you're smarter than them, regardless of whether or not that's true. I worked that one out for myself.;-)

Might I suggest in moments of pique, instead of resorting to defensiveness and 'because I have x degree and am smart and....

Go the old redneck route and simply say "here hold my beer, I'll show you"

just try not to blow yourself up like the red neck, or if they insist against reasonable advice, you simply say "Ok, you get that to work and I'll be over there next to the beer'

Sometimes people will listen, but most of the time they won't.

And please remember that Physics says that Bumble Bees and the CH 47 Chinook can't fly, guess it's a good thing the engineers didn't listen...
I will say this, with honesty, I have never met an engineer that did not have the attitued that he was the smartest person alive. I AM NOT SAYING that all engineers are this way, because I dont believe that. Just the experience I have had with the ones I have met. Of course, I am an Auto Mechanic. I have two college degrees, an ASE Master Technician certification, and Toyota and GM senior Tech certs. However, when I am talking to someone about something, as soon as they find out I am an Auto mechanic they instantly deduct 50 IQ points and talk down to me. Never mind the fact that I have taught college courses and served as a traveling specialist that went across the country working on problems for Toyota.

Its just the way it is.
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