...and so it begins: Day One of the 111th Congress.

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My point was that between the 535 members, they manage to introduce a bill on just about every topic imaginable in the first few days. Most of them go nowhere.

I'm not saying we shouldn't care what is introduced. It's good to be aware of it. I just think that we should be selective as to when we start running around screaming that we are doomed again. We're running out of sky to fall.

Good point Jorg. For those of you counting, there were 400 bills introduced on the first day.
nutter said:
To which I had no retort.

There was an easy retort - the antis aren't going to pass anything, because it will cost the Democrats control of Congress. Even the antis understand that. And BHO wouldn't sign it, because it would cost the Democrats control of Congress.


It is an interesting read. Amazing how much BS they can find to pass. I did like the one about getting rid of the income tax and substituting a sales tax. I will be interesting in reading the text of some of those when available.
Read The FairTax Book by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder; it'll tell you all about it, straight from the horse's mouth.
H.R.15 : To provide a program of national health insurance, and for other purposes.

Universal Healthcare is long overdue! Medicare and Medicaid where good for the hospitals to rip off the people and the gov. now its time to fix that mess. Sorry just telling it like it is!
Universal Healthcare is long overdue! Medicare and Medicaid where good for the hospitals to rip off the people and the gov. now its time to fix that mess. Sorry just telling it like it is!

Heh... Another government program to be mis-led, mis-appropriated, and mis-guided. Think about this, we're talking about the federal government here... Do you really, honestly believe that they could get it right?

I personally think the Fed. Government should only be responsible for Infrastructure, Education, and the Military... Everything else should be left to the states. This country is too large and too diverse for such a centralized government.
You people DO understand that about 3% of bills introduced actually go anywhere right?

About 7,000 bills are introduced each year in the House.

(found these numbers on a couple of House websites)

Not time to panic yet OK?

Vigilance, not paranoia.
the antis aren't going to pass anything, because it will cost the Democrats control of Congress. Even the antis understand that. And BHO wouldn't sign it, because it would cost the Democrats control of Congress.

I'll believe that in 4 years.
Universal Healthcare is long overdue! Medicare and Medicaid where good for the hospitals to rip off the people and the gov. now its time to fix that mess. Sorry just telling it like it is!

You think healthcare is expensive now, wait 'til it's free.
you know, you really do not have to worry about any of the anti gun bills passing. someone will find a REALLY GOOD bill that just will not fail, and tack some anti-gun resoloution to it (if not several) and of course, it will be hush-hush. so that when the "good for america" bill comes to a vote, all of the nasty stuff will be hooked to it. so either we get shanghiaied, or nothing at all. isnt our political system wonderful!? who in the he77 decided that this type of thing would be appropriate?!
I know one thing, we better get lean and mean financially because TSHTF scenarios that are thrown around are going to be dinky compared to the financial problems that are on the horizon. They can say that they are not going to raise taxes, but.............read my lips. Government is as government does. Omnipotence!!!!!
Vigilance, not paranoia.

Wise words that we all should heed. Hyperbole and hysteria are the core of the antis' propaganda campaigns. Let's stick to facts instead.

It is inevitable that gun prohibitionists in this Congress will propose bills to erode our 2A rights. It is no surprise that out of all the bills introduced on the first day of this session of Congress that some of them would be pro and anti 2A. What we have to do is identify these threats to our rights, track them and work to stop them as early as possible in their course through Congress.

Vigilance allows us to take action before we find ourselves in the shadow of the threat.
Didn't take 'em too long.

Never does. Many of the same characters introduced the same bills when Congress and the White House were Republican controlled.

Lots of this stuff is just to pay back their lobbyists and contributors.

"See, I told you I'd introduce legislation to outlaw the 7th inning stretch and I did, it's not my fault it didn't pass"
There was an easy retort - the antis aren't going to pass anything, because it will cost the Democrats control of Congress
Sure they won't. That's why they didn't pass the '94 ban. Oh, wait. :rolleyes: Besides, at this point, I'm not so sure they would lose control even if they did pass a ban like that. They would still have your vote.

And BHO wouldn't sign it, because it would cost the Democrats control of Congress.
If it makes it to his desk, do you seriously think that he will veto it? I don't. Besides, what's the point of them controlling congress if they can't use it to further their agenda?
Sure they won't. That's why they didn't pass the '94 ban. Oh, wait. Besides, at this point, I'm not so sure they would lose control even if they did pass a ban like that.

I remember the days leading up ito the 1994 AWB - Clinton had to do some very serious arm-twisting on members of his own party to get it through...and lets not forget the bill failed on the first floor vote and went back for a re-vote after even more pressure was put on the blue dogs and the CBC to pass it.

And yes, they did eventually pass it, but it is what happened less than two months later thats important to remember. You may have forgotten, but the democratic party was handed the largest defeat they'd ever seen in an election and put them in the minority for more than a decade. A sitting speaker of the House (Tom Foley) was even defeated in his own state (the first time that has happened in more than a century). No doubt the dems want more gun control, but I think they like their jobs more than gun control, and they well know its a dangerous issue that can easily cost them their jobs and control of Congress.
Doesn't the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act forbid the fed.gov from maintaining a database of gun owners?

If so wouldn't passage of HR45 be illegal?

No. The later only simply amends and overrides/trumps the old one. If it doesn't specifically amend the old, the courts will interpret the more recent one in time to implicitly trump the older one anyway. Unlike a constitutional provision, it is very very easy to amend old statutory law.
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