Another 2A victory in Maine

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Jan 3, 2006
The Dark Side of the Moon
AUGUSTA, Maine — The Maine House and Senate have voted to support a bill that would allow tenants in subsidized housing developments to have guns.

This all came to a head after a wheel chair bound vet used a handgun to defend himself from a drug addict who invaded his home to to steel his meds, and the landlord tried to kick him out afterwards.

Article in Bangor Daily News

Hearing this discussed on the radio, it disgusts me to hear the liberals suddenly turn into property rights advocates, and attempt to use that position to justify allowing landlords WHO TAKE STATE MONEY to deny their tenants constitutional rights.
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Maine is extremely underrated as far as gun rights go and it seems to be getting better not worse.
It is good that some basic common sense is returning to the great state of Maine.:D

Most of the good people of Maine are fairly pro 2A, until you get to the larger southern cities. Many of those presently residing there fled the greater Boston or NYC area with their crime/drugs and are now trying to turn us into a similar politically correct cesspool like they abandoned. :banghead:
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