Another Iraqi shot dead at US checkpoint

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from TFL:

In the most cowardly fashion possible. Seemingly, no matter how evil, nor how unthinkable the act, lots of Americans will still not see the threat that radical Muslims pose. Nor will they be willing to do anything about it, at least not for very long. When the initial fear that their *** might be in a sling passes, they will return to their smug, cynical denial of the threat that the radical elements of Islam in particular, and the Arab world in general pose. (emphasis mine)

also from TFL:

a post by Clem which stated:

As I understand it, the Palistinians / Muslims want the Jews and ALL OTHER NON-BELIEVERS to either convert to their religion, or die. If we don't convert or die, then it is their religious responsiability to KILL US . So, we and the Jews having the same right as any other human to live free and protect ourselves, will just have to wipe them off the face of the earth. They attached us and they will attack us again and again and again.......
It appears that what ever is said or done, they ain't going to go with the flow. All they want is death and destruction in the name of Islam.
Israel is doing to the Palistinians what America will have to do to the rest of the Arab world, exterminate all who attack us. No mercy, no quarter, no nothing, just give them a degree of terror that they never dreamed about.

The kind of terror that the Japanese and Germans suffered during WWII and just how pissed off Americans can get. We killed millions of them and as we were prepaired to wipe their peoples/culture off of the face of the earth, they finally understood just before it was too late that America is a "pratice executioner". We have killed millions in the past on a grand scale.

Now is the time, lets get it over with. The fighting will not end until one side is dead.

I think it is time to remind the world, including our "friends" just who and what America is and that we are not to be messed with.

Now, or it continues for the next 2,000 years.

If I've upset anyone, too bad.

to which you replied:

Put me down in clem's column where I have been all along. Enough!

fwiw i did note in many of your posts that you make an attempt to separate "militant" and "nonmilitant" Islam, which is of course rational. However you did stand with Clem when he made that statement, ergo my statement.
And your point is what agricola? Clem said that
Israel is doing to the Palistinians what America will have to do to the rest of the Arab world, exterminate all who attack us. No mercy, no quarter, no nothing, just give them a degree of terror that they never dreamed about.emphasis mine
The Muslims that are currently attacking Americans are overwhelmingly Arab, with only a smattering of Egyptians, and for that matter, homegrown simpletons like Asan Akbar, John Muhammed and Jihad Johnny bin Walker Lindh. And once in a great while the Filipino contingent chimes in.

The point of course is that if one chooses to endanger the life of an American, one's chances of being not long for this world go up exponentially. Don't like it? Too bad. More importantly, what do you propose to do about it? Hmmm?

So, on the eve of Peter Arnett saying that the death of innocent women and children being the key that will assure the end of the war, and victory for Iraq; a vehicle filled with women and children just happens to try to run a roadblock after four of our soldiers were killed by a murder-bomber at another roadblock. The driver makes believe that she doesn't understand that people who put up a roadblock with signs, who are shouting, and who are shooting at them, is the universal signal to stop or die. Wow! There is a surprise, eh?

And all of this in a war zone. Which you then liken to a traffic stop on a roadside in a civilized portion of the world.

And you, the eternal apologist for thugs, the person that always blames the victim of an attack, who always calls for the victim to be left helpless, while simultaneously excusing the criminal aggressor, fulfill my prediction. To wit: "they will return to their smug, cynical denial of the threat that the radical elements of Islam in particular, and the Arab world in general pose."

You prefer to see American soldiers killed in ambush by these animals. Delight in it if you must. Just know that it will happen less and less often, as the reality of just what sort of animals we are up against sinks into the minds of those in harm's way. And the barbarians that you adore will pay the price for it.

You go right ahead and take pride in stripping people of their right to defend themselves. I'll take pride in those that do what they must to protect their own lives. 7th century barbarians be damned.
TheEgg nailed it. According to reports late last night on Fox, Sad Damns Fed'yeen boys took the drivers family hostage, put him in the van, brought over some women & children from another neighborhood, told him that his family was into instant death if he failed and sent him on his way. I didn't realize that this was the exact same checkpoint where the taxi blew up killing our four soldiers. I believe Sad Damn is in hell already which is a good thing. But his buddies know that their days on Earth are numbered, as in single digits. If we don't get them the Iraqis will.
Iraqi TV Broadcasts Statements of Women Who Reportedly Attacked Checkpoint

Friday, April 04, 2003

CAMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar — Iraqi television on Friday broadcast statements by two Iraqi women it said blew themselves up in an attack on U.S. forces, apparently in the blast that killed three American soldiers in western Iraq.

U.S. military officials said Friday that one of the women was pregnant; they said it was impossible to know if she voluntarily took part in the attack.

The attack happened Thursday night about 10 miles southwest of the Haditha Dam when a car exploded at a U.S. checkpoint. The site is northwest of Baghdad and about 80 miles east of the Syrian border.

The Pentagon said the three soldiers killed were members of the 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment, based at Fort Benning, Ga.

"A pregnant female stepped out of the vehicle and began screaming in fear," a U.S. Central Command statement said. "At this point the civilian vehicle exploded, killing three coalition force members who were approaching the vehicle and wounding two others." The statement said the woman and the driver also were killed.

"These are not military actions. These are terrorist actions," said Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, Central Command deputy director of operations.

Iraqi television, monitored in Qatar, said the women were those involved in the attack on coalition forces. The tapes had been broadcast earlier by the Arabic satellite station Al-Jazeera.

The two women, each standing in front of the Iraqi flag, right hand on the Quran placed on a table in front of her and left hand brandishing an automatic rifle.

A woman who identified herself as "martyrdom-seeker Nour Qaddour al-Shammari" swore on the holy book of Islam "to defend Iraq ... and take revenge from the enemies of the (Islamic) nation, Americans, imperialists, Zionists" and Arabs who have submitted to the foreigners.

"We say to our leader and holy war comrade, the hero commander Saddam Hussein, that you have sisters that you and history will boast about," said the woman, who wore the red-checked keffiyeh, an Arab headscarf.

In a separate video, another woman, who identified herself as Wadad Jamil Jassem, stood in a similar pose.

"I have devoted myself for jihad (holy war) for the sake of God and against the American, British and Israeli infidels and to defend the soil of our precious and dear country," she said.

The videotapes were similar to those distributed of Palestinian suicide bombers after attacks against Israelis.

Both women were in long, loose-fitting dresses and it was not clear if one might have been pregnant.

In the first suicide attack against American forces, a bomber posing as a taxi driver pulled up close to a roadblock north of Najaf on Saturday, waved to American troops for help, then blew his vehicle up as they approached, killing four.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein rewarded the officer, honoring him with a posthumous promotion, two new medals and a huge financial windfall for his family.

The Iraqi government has said suicide bombings will be a "routine military policy" and has promised more attacks.

The Pentagon identified the three slain Americans as Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe, 27, of Colorado, Staff Sgt. Nino D. Livaudais, 23, of Utah and Spc. Ryan P. Long, 21, of Seaford, Del. The hometowns for Rippetoe and Livaudais were not available, it said.

Go ahead agricola. Make another traffic citation joke. I dare you.:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
But we should reason with these people. Really. Force and war never solved anything. Sheesh! I sound like the Marine conscientious objector on Hannity & Combes last night. What a, um, kitty. Both of the hosts were disgusted with him.
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