Anti-freedom stance by Florida gun shop

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3. Pull a gun for no reason, and I'll probably assume you are trying to rob the place, and I'll shoot you.

Snap judgements made on assumptions, yet another problem curtailed by not allowing concealed weapons. Should something like what you mentioned happen, the family of the person you shot, maybe killed, would sue you for every penny you have. You would most likely lose you business and most everything else. Until you can remove the possibility of stupidity on someone else's part, this is just something to deal with.

It isn't whether or not the guy hung signs that forbid concealed carry in his shop during normal business hours. He didn't. He simply asked that no concealed weapons be brought into his establishment on this occasion. I take that to mean that at any other time you would be welcome to carry in his establishment. Therefore he isn't stomping on your rights. He is simply asking something of you that as the owner of the business, he has the right to ask. If you don't want to respect his wishes, on his property, go home. Would it be a little bit of an inconvenience? Yes. Would I maybe be a little vexed? Maybe. But my point is that he is justified in his actions. His actions don't show that he is antigun, freedom, or anything else. He's just looking out for his best interests. I might let him know I wasn't happy about it, but I wouldn't neccessarily take my business elsewhere. Now if he did hang signs forbidding concealed carry in his shop during normal business times, I most likely would quit shopping there.
I understand that some of you have 'rights' and want to make a stand. However, a couple of insurance claims from discharges could put him out of business.

Two big claims, you get dropped and permanently blacklisted. No insurance, no lease.

Try to understand the shop owner has the 'right' to eat and pay his employees.
I'M the only one professional enough...

Would that I could have this problem in my state.

I see another thread of expanding grounds for argument.

Yes, his place, his rules, don't like it, don't go in. It can still be objected to in a forum like this. I always see these shops defended for their defensive and ELITIST policies, but the run of the mill "can you believe Wal-Mart said/did/won't do" statements get general sympathy.
It is the basic hypocrisy of the policy that just leaves me wondering. If EVERY business of ANY sort put up a sign, CCW is dead. The last business in the world to put up this sign should be a gun shop.

To ask the world to expect the best of CCW holders, and to then expect the worst from CCW holders in gun shops ourselves is the definition of hypocrisy. The freakin' definition.

If some nit fondles his Glock at McDonald's and it goes off, does McDonald's get sued? How about the car wash, or the donut shop, or the Hallmark store?
They should all have signs! And even though it is still technically legal to carry inside, yet it covers the legal butt, we still lose. Why? Because we told every person that passes through those doors that guns are BAD.
So I guess you think it would be totally legal for a business owner to put up a sign saying "NO BLACKS"?

It wouldn't be legal because the government wants to dictate how business owners operate. However, in a free market a business owner should have every right to set conditions of those invited to partonize his establishment. And yes, this should include excluding any races or nationalities the business owner sees fit to exclude.

Keep in mind, the business owner has to deal with the consequences of such a policy. Such a policy would prevent the business owner from maximizing his profits while strengthing his competition. More than likely, this policy would put the business owner out of business.
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If some nit fondles his Glock at McDonald's and it goes off, does McDonald's get sued? How about the car wash, or the donut shop, or the Hallmark store?

This isn't the same thing. McDonald's, the carwash, the donut shop are not places specifically meant for guns to be handled in. There is no reason for someone to pull out a carry piece in any of these places other than a defense-type situation. There are plenty of reasons to at a gunshow: try a new holster, compare finish, compare sights, etc, etc, etc. Some idiot has an AD in one of the afore mentioned places, the owner doesn't get in trouble 'cuz they didn't know the guy was armed to begin with. A gunshop owner on the other hand? A slick lawyer could argue that it is his fault, as the store owner, because he did not see to it that all loaded weapons were secured.
It's funny, Zen21Tao posts the legal statutes for the state in question, but folks put their thumbs in thier eyes and keep writing the same, false rubbish.
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