Antis' HYPOCRICY: "I can, but YOU CAN'T!"

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
News Release

Brady Campaign Asks Federal Election Commission To Examine Whether NRA, Gun Owners Of America Are Using Websites To Violate Election Laws
For Immediate Release:

Contact Communications:
(202) 898-0792 Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Washington, D.C. - The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, November 1, asking the FEC to investigate whether the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America are in violation of Federal Election Commission regulations and Federal Election Campaign Laws.

The complaint about the National Rifle Association asks the FEC to determine whether the NRA has engaged in prohibited activities, including electioneering on behalf of federal candidates, by expressly advocating the election or defeat of federal candidates in communications to the general public, beyond its membership, through its web activities.

The complaint against the Gun Owners of America (GOA) is similar.

But looky here:

News Release

Brady Campaign Endorses Chris Smith For Re-Election To Congress
For Immediate Release:

Contact Communications:
(202) 898-0792 Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Washington, DC – Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) today received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation’s leading gun violence prevention organization. Smith is running for re-election to a 14th term in New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District.

Congressman Smith has been a strong supporter of the Brady Law, and fought to pass and renew the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. He has also worked to provide additional resources to help prosecute gun crimes.

“We’re very pleased that New Jersey has such a strong supporter of common-sense gun laws,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. “Congressman Chris Smith knows how important it is to keep illegal guns off the streets, and he’s committed to fighting the good fight to keep our families and our communities safe.”

:cuss: :banghead: :fire: :mad: :fire: :banghead: :cuss: :barf:

Someone file this under the definition of "ELITIST," cross-reference with "HYPOCRITES."

NRA and GOA had BETTER be filing complaints against BRADY as I type this! :fire:
I'm sure they will. Rather amusing that they don't even bother to make it look like they're in the right, though.
This is how antis, and really all the extremist liberals operate.

They do not have a legitimate argument at all but if they wail and complain long enough they will find a court somewhere that will give them what they want on a silver platter (to steal part of a quote from Coulter).

Anyone remember "hanging chads"?
Now quit say all liberals. I consider myself a liberal yet this here granny loves her guns. Frankly I'm tired of being accused by both sides of being something I'm not. Its getting to be quite a pain.

Well off to my forum. Yea I run a political forum in this little old town of
EL Paso. One of a few that run year round. We bring all types of people in to be questioned by the public and to educate the public on the issues of the day.
When will that brady witch fall over dead from throat cancer caused by her smoking and stop harassing us?

Come to think of it, why isn't she badgering the tobacco companies instead of the NRA. Smoking kills far more people in the US than firearm murders.

I'll be breaking open the bubbly and celebrating when that witch finally melts. Maybe she could take Feinstein and Boxer with her.
CCRKBA has filed a formal complaint with the FEC. Got it in an e-mail from them yesterday.

Don't worry, our dogs are in the fight!
It's like thier famous quote, "A mind is like a parachute; it only works when it's open." Well, in thier mind, open minded means believing what they say without question. Seeing things from our point of view is blackest heresy. So, that type of hypocrisy is not even worthy of comment. In thier mind, it is perfectly justified, as we are "evil incarnate".
When will that brady witch fall over dead from throat cancer caused by her smoking and stop harassing us?

Come to think of it, why isn't she badgering the tobacco companies instead of the NRA. Smoking kills far more people in the US than firearm murders.

I'll be breaking open the bubbly and celebrating when that witch finally melts. Maybe she could take Feinstein and Boxer with her.

What awful things to say, or even to think.
You get used to the hypocrisy of the left. Many of the same people against private citizens owning a gun have one themselves or hire others that have one to protect them. These are also the same people that demand anything they say be protected by an unbreakable vail of free speach yet when you say something they don't want to be heard, they demand to have you silenced. The left is all about having their message and ideas protected while at the same time preventing the other side from getting their's out. :banghead: :cuss:
orangelo said:
Come to think of it, why isn't she badgering the tobacco companies instead of the NRA. Smoking kills far more people in the US than firearm murders.

Yes, but smoking didn't kill her husband. Firearms injured him and gave her a pulpit to achieve natinonal fame or infamy. She's just using the firearms debate to maintain her position.
Yes, but smoking didn't kill her husband. Firearms injured him and gave her a pulpit to achieve natinonal fame or infamy.

You have firearms confused with John Hinckley, and she is on her pulpit because of forces that want to destroy our freedoms, not because her tradgedy was special. Lookit that woman from Texas who REALLY got to suffer some, yet nobody can hardly remember her name. It is all about being a tool to left-wing forces, thats all Brady is, a worthless tool.
This is the problem w/ McCain-Fiengold's anti free speech provisions.

In addition to simply being repugnant to the first amendment on the face of it, it provides folks with levers for lawyers to play with.

To heck with them, as far as I'm concerned, anyone can say anything they want, be it lame or wise.
Regardless of how wrong Sarah Brady is, it is easy to see why she isn't objective about guns. Let's wish for her to see the light, or just give up and go home, rather than wish she die an early death. Hateful wishes for our opponent's demise is unseemly at best and at worst gets used against us as examples of what a bunch of evil people gun owners are. Don't give them a stick to beat you over the head with. THR, remember?
This is the problem w/ McCain-Fiengold's anti free speech provisions.

In addition to simply being repugnant to the first amendment on the face of it,

Darn skippy.

If NRA and GOA are in violation by openly endorsing candidates, then Brady is naturally in violation as well.

But it still sickens me that ANYone, yes even the Bradys, should be politically CENSORED by the government at election time. I don't like where this could head - when do "They" start trying to silence OTHER groups or even people???:what:

Any chances of getting this free-speech gutting law repealed?
SomeKid said:
You have firearms confused with John Hinckley, and she is on her pulpit because of forces that want to destroy our freedoms, not because her tradgedy was special. Lookit that woman from Texas who REALLY got to suffer some, yet nobody can hardly remember her name. It is all about being a tool to left-wing forces, thats all Brady is, a worthless tool.

I disagree. Had Hinckley not shot her husband I firmly believe that we would have never heard of Sarah Brady. I think she's using what happened to her as her personal crusade. I'm sure she feels (feelings being more important to the left than beliefs) that she is correct in what she's doing. And if by being the lap dog of the elitist left she can maintain her status position, she'll continue her "crusade".

As for the Texan, I assume you mean State Representative Suzanna Gratia Hupp? She's the woman who lost both her parent when the fellow drove his truck thru the Luby's and opened fire.
Back when the million-mom-march was independent and active I took a look at thier web site. It appeared to me that they were lobbying, which was a violation of thier tax exempt status (501(3)(c) or (4)?) status.

I sent an email to the IRS expressing my concerns. Though I only got an acknowlegment of my email, the mmm folded some months later. I probably didn't have a great deal to do with it (they had some other legal problems) my email might have been the straw that broke the camel's back. I like to think so.

Now if you think that there is a viloation of the law, report it. It is your duty. email the FEC and the IRS. Don't expect much in the way of a tangible response but as in my case it might help.
I've got to get a law degree. Running around in swill like this is bound to make me rich. I wonder how easy it would be to fool groups like VPC, Brady, and the LCAV.
Brady Campaign files complaint against NRA and GOA...mean old websites...

Brady Campaign Asks Federal Election Commission to Examine Whether NRA, Gun Owners Are Using Web Sites to Violate Election Laws

11/3/2006 10:45:00 AM


To: National Desk

Contact: Peter Hamm of Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-898-0792

WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, Nov. 1, asking the FEC to investigate whether the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America are in violation of Federal Election Commission regulations and Federal Election Campaign Laws.

The complaint about the National Rifle Association asks the FEC to determine whether the NRA has engaged in prohibited activities, including electioneering on behalf of federal candidates, by expressly advocating the election or defeat of federal candidates in communications to the general public, beyond its membership, through its Web activities.

The complaint against the Gun Owners of America (GOA) is similar.

And the Bradyniks wouldn't stoop to such a low level as trying to influence voters to vote for candidates they support? Just how stupid are these people?
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