Brady Campaign absolutely giddy

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You know how we are always trying to be sensitive around here about not giving the anti's fuel for their fire. I agree, calling a complete handgun ban "sensible" doesn't seem like to bright of a move. If I were the NRA, and I am, I would most certainly be bringing this up every chance I had.

And in San Francisco, a referendum to outlaw handguns passed by a spectacular margin with pennies spent marketing it... In a nutshell, Election Day 2005 was a positive one for supporters of sensible gun laws.
I thought HCI swore up and down that they didn't want to ban guns. Cat's out of the bag, again.

Allow me to rephrase, so as to put it all into perspective:

Brady giddy that they're not completely dead, nurses mortal wounds hiding out in leftist strongholds.
Brady Campaign's idea of victory: Democrat winner "Tim Kaine
strongly supports the Second Amendment. As the next Governor
of Virginia, he will not propose any new gun laws." I know
Kaine's campaign promise is a campaign promise, but republican
Kilgore simply refused to be strongly identified as pro-gun rights.

Brady "sensible gunlaws" include prohibition of manufacture and
sales of guns and possession of handguns in San Francisco. We
should thank them for clarifying their position. Most of the people
who claim to support "reasonable" gun control also are opposed
to bans (see James D Wright and Peter Rossi, Under the Gun).
jsalcedo said:
The San Francisco referendum, Sarah Brady said this morning, "sends a very loud message from American urban voters. They are saying the gun violence problem is not going to go away if we don't do something about it. The extreme gun lobby worked very hard to try to defeat the measure, and they got trounced."

After so many years of hiding behind a position of "reasonable gun laws", Sarah Brady's true colors are showing through. Giddy about a complete gun ban?

Who is the real extremist now.
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