Antis' HYPOCRICY: "I can, but YOU CAN'T!"

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It's not complicated or expensive to lodge a complaint against YOUR govenment. And the govenment (federal, state, local) will tell you how to do it. Doesn't even require a law degree and if you are just John Q. Public there seems to be a little latidude in lodging a complaint.

Green Lantern, you posted the evedence (the link to the press releases) and how to report the infraction. Going by the link to the FEC, a notarized statement is, if you have a bank account, free. All banks have notary's on staff and for customers the service is generally free.

What you MUST do is make very sure that there is a basis for a complaint. There are a lot of folks who are cronic complainers, anything they don't like they fire off a complaint, without doing a little thinking and asking themselves if there is any basis. Those folks just waste everybody's time.

So, I ask you: Does the bradybunch endorsing a candidate violate the law or FEC regulations?

Means you've got to do a little more investigation and try to pin down what law or reg was violated. If the bradybuch is playing fast and loose with the law, nail 'em!

If nothing else it will be an education. :)
didn't Jim March bust the MMM in SF general hospital?

a few years back?....
I wish he was hanging out here more instead of stopping diebold from fixing the elections for the republicans, the Democrats stole elections the old fashioned way for years and now the tides turned! :neener:
it's only fair:evil:
Yes, I guess the Brady Bunch does not support the right of free speech and publication. The Founders went out of their way to make a whole Amendment to the US Constitution prohibiting the Federal Government from making any law abridging said right. Their purpose? To make sure that people could freely communicate to one another, by any and all means, political ideas around election time. Oh well, I guess that's just an old fashioned notion nowadays. Had the Founders known about mass mailings, phone calls and such, they'd surely have left that bit about free speech and publication out of the First Amendment. Thank you, George Bush, for helping the leftists clarify for us what the Founders really meant when they prohibited the Federal Government from abridging the freedoms of speech and publication.
*cough cough* ;)

Still, like Hawkeye said, this is a GREAT example to throw out to people that cry "The liberals will protect the OTHER Amendments just like they will the Second!" :evil:
Slight thread veer: Didn't the Brady bunch used to be titled "Brady Campaign to Prevent HANDgun Violence"? If so, when did they change to "Gun" violence?


All I know is that they used to be called "Handgun Control Inc." Then they realized that it was better to be sneaky and underhanded rather than announce their intentions in a straightforward way, thus "The Brady Campaign" (to Prevent Gun Violence). Though it may have been "handgun violence" for a while, I dunno...
Now quit say all liberals. I consider myself a liberal yet this here granny loves her guns. Frankly I'm tired of being accused by both sides of being something I'm not. Its getting to be quite a pain.

Sorry you get lumped in with the rest, but survey your liberal acquaintances and see how many are pro-gun and pro-RKBA.
Anti's Losing Big

This complaint has absolutely nothing to do with wrongdoing by NRA or GOA, and everything to do with the hoplophobes not being able to raise money.

From, as of 10/18:

Started with $1,834,797
YTD Raised $10,301,708
YTD Spent $8,299,516
Remaining $3,836,989

Started with $60,159
YTD Raised $90,870
YTD Spent $87,831
Remaining $63,195

Started with $119,389
YTD Raised $13,224
YTD Spent $63,393
Remaining $69,224
Yes, but smoking didn't kill her husband. Firearms injured him and gave her a pulpit to achieve natinonal fame or infamy.

Actually a firearm was just the tool used to injure him. A person was responsible.
I disagree. Had Hinckley not shot her husband I firmly believe that we would have never heard of Sarah Brady. I think she's using what happened to her as her personal crusade. I'm sure she feels (feelings being more important to the left than beliefs) that she is correct in what she's doing. And if by being the lap dog of the elitist left she can maintain her status position, she'll continue her "crusade".

Actually, according to an interview done in the '90s, Sarah Brady didn't get motivated in the anti-firearms crusade by her husband's injury. According to her own statement, she started being concerned about access to firearms when a child of a relative/friend found an unsecured weapon in a truck. The child wasn't injured, but she began campaigning after that. Her husband's injury was just the red shirt she waved around because the other incident wasn't bloody enough to attract attention.

As for her beliefs, I doubt anyone who puked up the crap she did on a regular basis would be buying rifles (of a variety her campaign previously referred to as sniper rifles i.e. anything with a scope) for her son if she really believed it.
McCain/Feingold, those Commie Rat Bastards Need to be chased out from under the collective beds of this nation and be deported to a workers paradise like Cuba.
As for the Brady Bunch, Well there are no laws banning irrational thought and Ms. Brady is more than entitled to her opinion and the right to voice it.
My point here is, Has any one heard if she has ever spoken up to keep the Wackadoo who her shot her husband locked up? Or is it all the guns fault?!!

(And Finally) Hey all of you Politicos out there watching what we say and do to make sure we do not violate Election laws Come and get me I will give you all of the truth you can handle. Never forget Lying Communist Cowards can not stand the truth and will do anything to keep it from being spoken.:neener: :neener: :neener:

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