Any reason to not carry a full size

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Why do the police and the military carry full size? Because they realistically believe they may have to use that pistol and want the most effective one. If you think you may have a reason to carry a handgun everyday you should have the same reasoning.
That is completely untrue! Law Enforcement and Military bear no responsibility to conceal the weapon! Which is why they they carry full size side arms, also in most cases they are issued or mandated to carry certain full size side arms, with only detectives being able to carry "compact" weapons like the Glock 19. If you live in an open carry state and you choose to exercise that right then by all means carry a MK23 or a Para Ord p14.

And on another note, if the military wanted the "most effective one" we wouldn't be issued POS Beretta's stoked with FMJ 9mm, which have the battlefield stopping power of a water balloon thrown in anger!

On another note, that Glock ^ with the long barrel, I hope your trying to be funny :) because if you tried to draw that you'd look like Jack Nicholson in Batman, the Bad guy could step out for coffee and return before you cleared leather.
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Comfort and lazyness is why most people, me included carry smaller than full-size. I do my best work with a 5 inch 1911 but walk out the door with an xds for the sake of comfort. It's just silly to think you are better off with a pocket pistol compared to a full-size if you actually needed it. Some compromise can be made but if you have to carry in a holster you can carry full-size. In my opinion.
My only real opinion on the matter is that if you're going to carry a "big" gun then it might as well be in a big caliber too. For nearly the same physical size as a Glock 17 I can carry a 10mm or 45.

I frequently carry a 9mm in warm weather, but it's little polymer Kahr. In cold wether when I'm wearing a jacket or sweatshirt I often step up to a S&W 1086 or Glock 20.
Being I'm a real live active person and not standing around like a store manikin a smaller size pistol makes more sense. Not saying I haven't carried a full size 1911 at times but my EDC pistol is much smaller.
I'm 6'3, 165 and I comfortably carry a CZ75B, or when I finally get a new holster, my S&W 586 with a 4" barrel. Button shirts left unbuttoned and untucked go a long way for concealing and they are comfortable to wear even in hot weather.

For self defense shooting someone at 25 yrs will land you in jail unless he shot first and you couldn't find cover. Otherwise, capacity is important. A longer sight radius is meaningless in self defense because you won't have time enough to aim for it to make a difference. You'll be point shooting.

Im pretty sure I'd rather shoot someone running at me with a knife then be chased for God knows how long.
I'll carry whatever I feel like. I carried my G21 yesterday. Probably will carry it again today.
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