Any suggestions for carrying loose 9mm rounds?

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Dec 27, 2002
always offline!
I was thinking maybe a tobacco pouch or some "tactical nylon" pouch. But that doesn't work when not wearing a coat.

Or maybe I should look for a tiny single magazine pouch that fits on the belt horizontally and pick up a small magazine to put the rounds in.

I'm just trying to think of the most efficient way to carry spare ammo for a 9mm derringer :scrutiny:
I agree with mikul. On the current S&W picture thread in the revolver forum, someone--Perfessr, I think--shows a 940 with what appears to be a speed strip full of 9mms. Before seeing that, I wouldn't have known it'd work, but it looks solid in that pic, and that'd be the way to do it for sure, if it works.
hadn't ever considered this one - - -

Next gun show you attend, look around for somebody with a big box of used holsters. Usually somewhere down in the bottom, there'll be a few little nylon pouches for small pocket knives and combination tools. Bet one of those would work fine. Much flatter than a film cannister for pocket carry.

Hummm - - - If not in the old holster box, check out the display for someone who's selling a lot of knives.

Cheapest is a ghetto speed strip of one USGI 5.56 stripper clip. Will hold 10 rds or you can bend part of it for a handle and just carry a couple.

SKS strippers are cool in the same manner for .38/.357.

Cost 30 cents.

I cannot envision a scenario where a speed reload of a derringer would come in handy tho. Sumptin about already being dead...

Solution: Get a 9mm that holds 13-17 of your favorite pill.
I'm not realistically talking about a speed reload of a 9mm derringer. It's just nice to have a few extra rounds though "just in case".
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I'm really looking for something though that would fit on my belt, or at the very least something that would go in my shorts/pants pocket that would hold the rounds securely and not cause me to worry too much if I put pressure on them (I don't want the bullets pulling lose from the case, but I know that's not very likely anyways with 9mm).
Skunk, I've heard of the film canister thing before, but right now I'm leaning towards an MK9 sized 9mm magazine on a horizontal belt pouch.

I think in my pocket a film canister might pop open or be slightly bulky.
As an experiment, I just put a couple 9mms in one of my Bianchi Speed Strips. It appears to hold them securely enough for carry in a pocket or pouch, although the 9s aren't as secure as .38s are.
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