Anybody see "Hardball" last night?

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Dec 25, 2002
the city
Yeah, I watch it.

Anyway, last night they had Ann Coulter (looking hot, and smart).

And a segment on teacher's carrying guns in school- mainly a discussion of Utah allowing teachers to carry. The debate portion had John Lott pro carry and some lady (her name and organisation escape me- she wasn't with one of the biggies like VPC though) who was anti.

John Lott won hands down, IMHO, and even Chris "I'm a liberal Democrat and if you don't like it I'll bash your face in" Matthews seemed to see the wisdom in allowing teachers to be armed. Or did I imagine that part?:D
I never watch MSNBC but last night I was surfing and saw that Coulter would appear so I had to watch. Then when she exited I saw that John Lott would appear so I had to stick with it.

Coulter's appearance was classic Matthews. Pepper her with questions yet refuse to give her time to respond. Second technique was rapid fire ask the same question over and over in spite of her first answer. Third technique was to repeatedly draw unwarranted conclusions from her stated position. Best example: Coulter said the democratic party was treasonist with 50 years of evidence. Matthews kept coming back with demanding specific names as being treasonist. She responded by reiterating her thesis and Matthews countered with his demands of specific examples. Matthews was not going to back off his attack and Coulter was not going to back down off her thesis. Good TV. MSNBC would be well advised to can Jesse Ventura and give the show to Coulter.

Then John Lott appeared. Matthews was the exact opposite. He clearly did not like the idea of teachers packing heat but did let Lott have his say. Lott's counterpart on the negative side was a teacher. She had the ususal whinny woulda, coulda, shoulda argumentation yet Lott kept coming back wth fact and statistics. Matthews clearly let Lott have his say.

THE QUESTION: Why the difference in interview techniques. In the case of Coulter he did not want her to have her say, yet with Lott he back off considerably. Is it possible Matthews is intimidated by fact vs opinion????

Interesting interviews.
THE QUESTION: Why the difference in interview techniques

Sexual tension? Intimidation? Matthews feeling out brained by Coulter, a conservative? Ann has been on Hardball before and Chris Matthews always hits her hard.

And the WINNERS: John Lott and Ann Coulter!:D
When coulter was asked for a specific example she repeated her thesis. This is not an answer to the question. When Lott was asked for specific examples he gave them. This is an answer to the question. This is why Lott's interview went much better than Coulter's.

The difference is that Coulter likes to make blanket assertions of the same type used by liberals where as Lott could and did cite specifics. Coulter tends to make make the "liberals are stupid" counter argument to the "conservatives are stupid" argument. Its nice for a good shouting match but it proves nothing. To beat them we must be better than they are. This means taking the blanket assertions off the table and talking content as clearly and understandably as we can. This is where we will win.
Matthews is a Liberal? Huh he hides it well. Then again I very rearly watch his show.

No wonder I prefer and watch Mr. Scarbrough.

Ann is really
(looking hot, and smart.
especially when she is beating Hillary. Could we see them two in 2008 going for the white house? I think Ann has said no, but you never know.
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