Anyone carry a New Vaquero?

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Jun 4, 2010
Eastern IA
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience using New Vaqueros (or even shorter-barreled Blackhawks for that matter) for concealed carry.

I had first considered the Montado or Sherriff's (.44 special) model for carry, but was quickly discouraged by the price tag. I have my mind set on a 4 5/8" in .45 Colt. This gun will be pulling double duty as a cowboy action shooter to match my 7.5" New Vaquero - so please refrain from trying to simply talk me into a "better' carry gun. :)

After much searching the web and consideration, I've only come up with two what I'd consider to be really viable-looking options for holsters to conceal this beast: The Mernickle PA6-SA, or Simply Rugged Sourdough Pancake. I really lean toward the Mernickle, as it carries the gun higher, which I detect is really the key to carrying a single action revolver.

The biggest obstacle for me is to find a way to carry this beast in such a fashion that it will be kept out of the way and comfortable in a sitting position - because frankly, I spend a lot of time sitting. To this end, I would definitely be open to a shoulder holster if I can find one suitable for concealed carry under a light jacket/vest. I have an Uncle Mike's vertical nylon shoulder holster for my 7.5" gun, and I find that the holster is simply too fat to conceal - without even taking into account the length of the barrel being an obstacle. While I know this particular holster is more intended for field carry, it still brings to light the challenges of shoulder holsters as a whole.

Any comments, personal experiences, or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks folks!
I like single actions. I live a very low-speed life. I am not going to say that a single action is any great CCW gun; hell, I just returned from 8 hours and 300+rounds of class on "flinch response" and startle and counter-ambush, and I was behind the curve using a single stack 3rd-gen S&W 9mm (3953).

That said, I have a new vaquero sheriff in .44, and I'll probably tote it for a while, just because. When I do, it will be in a simply rugged; they are inexpensive, quality, proven, and Rob is a good guy and a friend, and I can vouch for him.

Not terribly informative, I know, but what the hey; it's the internet, and that's my long-distance opinion.


Get a sourdough pancake, and live with the gun's limitations. Unless you're a border patrol agent or something.
On one of the gun programs recently I saw where Clint Smith had a pair of inside the waistband holsters for single actions. They even had suspenders attached to them which I suspect may be needed. To me they appeared to be a rig that I wouldn't find to be comfortable as both were carried in the front. A crossdraw may be a more comfortable alternative but I am thinking a custom rig may be all that's available.
I used to carry an old model Bisley Vaquero.
You might try a bird's head grip version for concealed carry and SASS (or whatever you're doing).
I like the Milt Sparks Hackathorn for a full-mid size wheeler.

But, your body type really determines a lot with regard to how easily you can make a single action disappear under garments.

If you're set on it, you might just have to have a holster made especially for you. Andy Langlois is a user here and does some custom leather work.
I like the way a single-action sixgun balances when worn on a belt; they feel lighter than they really are, in my opinion. My chief (PD) will not let me "qual" with a single action revolver, and I am expected to only use approved weapons for defense during my time off-the-clock, so it is rare for me to actually an SA for very long at a time. I am ready for retirement, however, with Mernickle PS6-SA and Milt Sparks Summer Special holsters.

The Simply Rugged holster mentioned has an excellent reputation, and I will probably order one of his holsters for a different handgun before long.

To borrow terminology from Clint Smith, a SA revolver requires more manipulation than a DA. My take on this is that one who carries an SA sixgun for defense has to be ready to perform more skillful movements, for an equivalent number of shots, than one who is carrying a DA sixgun, especially if reloading becomes necessary. This means training is all the more important,
with due attention paid to the extra manipulations.

Defense is a valid reason to carry a handgun. Enjoyment is another valid reason to carry a handgun.

I feel better-armed with a Colt SAA, USFA SA, Ruger Montado, or Ruger Blackhawk Bisley, than with an S&W J-snub or just about any plastic pocket pistol.

Much of the time, I tote two SP101 five-guns concealed when off the clock, or an SP101 paired with a larger DA sixgun. (The SP101 is quite a bit more shootable for me than a J-snub.) I believe than after I retire, I might well, at least some of the time, tote an SA sixgun along with an SP101. There is also a certain beautiful little non-plastic auto-pistol that I have been eyeing, that would make a fine companion for an SA sixgun.

It would be a VERY rare event for a civilian gunfight to require more than the five or six rounds in an SA sixgun, and the second, smaller modern weapon could be an insurance policy.

As for carrying an SA sixgun as my only handgun, well, I am not sure how I would feel, in my current environment, which is a rather safe small city
surrounded on three sides by a huge city that has bad areas on two sides of
us. I would be better-armed than the vast majority of folks. In a more rural
area, or a more peaceful urban area, I might well be OK with it. (With 27+
years of being legally and morally obligated to act on behalf of others, it is
rather strange to think of being concerned with myself, alone.)
"Anyone carry a New Vaquero?"

Why yes I do! I have 2 NMV's that I use in SASS and I have 2 old models that I use for hunting (7 inch) and a Sheriff's model with Birds-head grips that I frequently carry as my CCW. As a retired LEO with numerous semi auto's, I'll never hesitate to carry a single action that gives me 6 shots of .45 Colt with a 250 grain JHP traveling at about 1300 fps!

As far as holsters, you'll find that any one designed for the N frame S&W will fit your Vaquero perfectly. I use the Don Hume JIT Slide holster which resembles the Texas Yaqui and it goes for around $29, and using the same holster with my Glock 19 the SA is more concealed

Check out Sheriff Jim Wilson's website and/or Facebook page, he is an avid SA man and will have an upcoming article in Shooting Times magazine on the SA as a defensive weapon. Good luck!:cool:


P.S. If someone could tell me how to post a picture, I'll put one up.
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